chapter 19

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You were sat in your room reading a book you knew your birthday was coming up, it meant a year closer to the faithful day which you didn't want you sighed and said "I know that in reality, this isn't real it's a story from a girls imagination, but what is reality anyway this is my reality now? not the one I came from let's hope I can make a better life here than there, it's simpler I mean marry a rich guy be happy have kids and done and it's meant to be Ciel here but I get the feeling it won't be just him since Vincent knew undertaker when Ciel was little, that means I get to meet him, ooh I can start a good relationship with him have him on my side and all the modern comedy and such I know" you smirked forming a plan and decided to write them down so you won't forget them in a journal.

While you did that Francis had called a meeting with Alexis, Edward who was visiting and Elizabeth "why are we here mother?" Elizabeth asked "as you know your sisters birthday is coming up" Francis explained Elizabeth gasped shed forgotten. Edward said, "wait isn't this year that year?" Alexis said "yes your right it's the year she gets that" "get what? I'm confused" Elizabeth asked putting her finger to her chin and putting her head to the side "what father means is, when a member of the Midford family turn a certain age or are seen as ready they get a special one of a kind sword just for them, I got one and it seems this year it's (names) turn and yours soon" Edward explained looking at her.

Elizabeth gasped and said "can I pick the design! please it'll be so cute?" she looked at them with pleading eyes "as much as we would love your help Elizabeth, the design has already been picked," Alexis told her she said "b-but," he said "it takes a while to make a sword to the very high standard and quality we want, we had to have the design sent away a while ago," Francis said "yes, it must be to the highest standard and for it to be ready for the party too, it had to be sent away long before," she said "oh" "but you can still pick a nice gift," Edward told her. she nodded and said "yes it'll be the cutest and best gift ever!" she and a determined look on her face.

You had no idea about them planning your party or gifts you had already filled a few journals with jokes and sketches from different shows, you were laughing to yourself when writing them remembering them. soon you were looking around London well a small town close to London you could go to alone. you said "I've got some freedom at least, I wonder what would happen if I ended up in Ciel's place and summoned Sebastian instead, or if I did summon a demon to help I'm not immortal" you kept walking people would say hello and such you saw a nice shop that had things from around the world. you went in the worker said "oh hello there, do you need help?" you looked at them and shook your head "alright if you need help or something is out of reach let me know" you nodded and went to look in the section for Japan and china 'now let's see Japan' you thought.

You found some books translated into English which were fairy tales you decided to get them, and some in kanji, hiragana and katakana "my you sure you can understand those?" they asked "I'm learning, so it's to practice" you told them. they smiled and said "always happy to hear someone is interested in other cultures, is it just Japan?" you nodded "yeah, I like Japan it's so unique and I think in the future it'll be popular, with a lot of people that and Korea" "oh really, well I'm sure my shop will be busy" "I'm sure it will and others like it" you smiled, they smiled and spent the next hour or so talking about what you liked about Japan and Korea, you mentioned the music they enjoyed this talk.

You'd soon left humming some k pop song happy You'd found this hidden gem of a shop, you had a few new books and other things you went back home and put them on your bookshelf in your room, it was full of all different books you sat down and said "I know they'll do a party they do every year, one thing I hate I wish it could at times be private just us do something fun but it won't but I can't grumble" you decided to take a nap which you did.

A few days later you were getting measured for a new dress, Francis and Elizabeth were with you as well as madam red and Rachel who You'd bumped into outside the shop. the dressmaker said "my you've grown lady (name)! now I have your measurements let's talk about design" you said "ok" you sat down they got their sketchpad and notepad and said "now, is there anything you don't want?" you thought "no (least favourite/most hated colour or colours), um nothing too frilly or lacy" you listed off other things you didn't want on the dress or fabrics used. the designer had wrote them all down and said "that won't be a problem now" they sketched a few ideas.

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