chapter 17

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You were in your room reading alone you sighed and said "this is where I miss modern technology, like the internet and TV I could of played some games or even youtube, I don't even wanna think about the anime I'm missing" "you want me to tell you?" you heard a voice and jumped see death. you said "give me a heart attack next time! also, I kind of want to know but also not ill start to feel kind of sad I won't say depressed since I'm not and wouldn't be feeling it"

They nodded saying "alright, but if you ever want to just say so how have things been, I haven't had a chance to catch up lately, but I did see your ballet so why choose that? I do wonder" you looked at them closing your book "well from what I saw in the manga and movie, Elizabeth's moves where like she took ballet, plus it helps me seem ladylike and also delicate like I'm a doll, also I've found its good for posture and makes me flexible it'll be helpful when I meet Noah's ark, say death if I found them now would it mess up things?" you asked and explained to them.

Death thought and looked into the possibilities from that and said "kind of, I mean yes you'd save them all from being fathers helpers and such, but also would put someone else random into there place, so I would leave it alone not saving them from father it's all about balance" you nodded "so equivalent exchange, you have to give something of equal or greater value so what your saying is me saving them means, yes I save there lives give them a home and such but someone else would take their place, and I couldn't use me knowing to my advantage but also they might be worse than them and it be harder" you said death nodded saying "yes exactly, I can see the future to an extent I can see when someone will die through there choices and the alliterative, and some outcomes what I saw where good and some not so good"

You nodded understanding and said "damn it! ugh ahhh I realised when I came here the manga wasn't even done, please give me the new volumes and chapters I've got enough knowledge to do but" death laughed at your little rant. they found you amusing never dull "don't worry, I will let you read the latest ones when they come out in the volumes since I did promise you back when you arrived, in my let's call it a guest house," they said you said, "alright, so any other reason you're here?" "no just to see how you're doing, and it's getting closer slowly but closer" "yeah, its a few years away but I feel like it'll come fast it'll be a blink and ill miss it, I know Ciel's a year older but it's more like a few months than a year, and it seems this world that Elizabeth is actually younger than Ciel in the manga and anime she was actually a year older" you both caught up and soon death went. you'd become good friends over the years since you came here.

After your little talk you left your room, something in you knew you needed to ask someone when mothers day was so you did you found a butler and said "excuse me" they turned "yes young mistress, what can I do for you?" they asked "when is mothers day? I think its soon" they thought for a moment and then said "I believe it is in the next week or so" you nodded thanking them and left 'I was right to ask, but what do I get her? it's getting to the point little home-made gifts that are bad, but cute won't work and she's kinda hard to shop for maybe, I can ask Ran?' you thought. as you where deep in thought you bumped into someone you looked to see who to apologize to, it just happened to be the one person you're looking for Ran luck was on your side today.

She knelt and said, "now you seem to have your head in the clouds, what's wrong nothing bad I hope?" "no just thinking" you shook your head "well what? I might be able to help," she asked "well mothers day is coming up, and I'm a bit unsure what to get I know home-made gifts are nice but I've given her that every year, and I wondered what I could get," you told her. ran said "I see, that is though why don't we go into London soon and we can look around, maybe you'll get an idea but I know this your mother will love anything you get her, as it's from you and from the heart which is what matters" you nodded understanding.

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