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Your pov

Five minutes she said five minutes that was an hour ago, my phone goes I answer it and say "what the hell! Where are you? I'm stood here like a prat" I hear my so-called friend say "oh sorry I can't make it" what the hell! "you know what this is the 10th time, and forget it you know I hardly have any free time and when I do I want to hang with my friend but no forget it" I snap at her this is ridiculous she says to meet up and I'm left here looking the fool. I hang up no way she said well hang out I've not gone into the local anime shop because of the meetup, I've been waiting but I guess I might as well maybe a load of new anime and manga will cheer me up. I go into the shop the owner greets me and says "hey (nickname) where's" before he can even finish that sentence I cut him off "don't even say her name! Where not friends anymore" he seems shocked at this and asks "ouch, ok talk tell me what this fight was over? I know you haven't been in because of the meet up"

I sigh maybe if I say I'll feel better, I mean he is my friend no scratch that best friend and I do confide in him. I mean I did about my crush and he is my best friend and now my only friend, I look at Daniel and tell him everything, I can see he's shocked at this I mean she's meant to be my best friend girl wise like Daniel is my best friend boy wise. I can see he's thinking about something and then it's like something clicked like he had an idea "I can't believe she did that! I know just what will cheer you up, and I just got it in I haven't even put them out so you get first dibs" he says giving me a small smirk. Oh my god, I love this man, I smiled and hugged him and say "thanks, Daniel, your more a friend than her, so I take it it's something I like?" I look up at him wondering what he's got, damn his height! Daniel laughs and nods saying "yep and I'll give you a discount you're my best customer and because of you I got customers"

Ok I love him I'm not letting this friendship be ruined, he's so thoughtful and kind I really need to help him find someone. he's always helping me but yet he has no one himself he rubs my head smiling saying "there that's better, now let's go" I let go and follow him into the back, which he rarely lets people into I'm the only one he lets in I think.

I look around at what he has in, soon I see all the black butler stuff things I'd been desperate to get. Some you can only get in japan or there only in the pop-up shops that last a month or so, and are so hard to get if you don't live there. I look at him and say "no way!" Daniel smiled and laughs saying "now pick one thing it's to cheer you up, the rest discount I'll be generous and put up for you" I looked at what there was. He's such a great friend I'm grateful I made friends with him that he's here when I need someone to talk to, to help with my problems like now.

I kneel down to get a better look at what there was, now let's see soon I see Sebastian's watch and his funko whoa! Those are so hard to get, I've been trying to find that funko for month's curse not having money when it was available. Ugh, why those two! I think aloud "ugh the watch or figure which do I pick? Why do you hate me life" I anime cry.

I hear Daniel laugh "it's your choice" I know that Daniel, ugh you make this so hard I get one free the other I pay for. Mmmm ok after some careful thought and consideration I'll go with the watch, I look and tell him "alright then the watch I'll go with Sebastian's watch" Daniel nods and asks "ok, so I take it everything put to one side?" I laugh and say "almost let's see these and these" I end up giving at least 10 things of black butler and other shows and things I like to one side. Daniel said "ok I'll put them up, anything you're going to take today or are they going to stay here until another day?" I think it'll be the watch and figure for now. I shake my head and say "no just the watch and funko thanks"

Daniel really knows how to cheer me up when I'm feeling down or had a bad day, as I leave I see my so-called friend with him "you haven't left yet?" I hear Daniel ask from behind me I'm in shock at what I've just seen. I turn and look at Daniel almost crying. I won't cry no I won't give them the satisfaction of making me cry, both of them especially him. He's not worth my tears Daniel looks at me and asks "(nickname) what's wrong?" I hug him and cry, I can't stop the tears I'm trying but there coming more and more. Damn it why, why, why "(name)?" I hear Daniel call my name, all I can say is "them look" he sees and pulls apart. I watch him go over and call out to them "hey you two!" they look I hide behind Daniel I don't want them to see me, and I want to hear their honest opinions, so I guess all the time we couldn't meet up was because of him even when I tried to meet up with him.

I'm a midford Book 1Where stories live. Discover now