chapter 18

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A quick note, since it doesn't say anywhere when Francis birthday is, I'm just going to do a chapter for this and this chapter is uploaded on my mums birthday so that's why I wrote this

You were in fencing lessons with Ciel, Francis was teaching she said "you two are improving and (name), your instructor has said they are entering you into a national tournament as the only girl" you nodded 'so in this world I'm being known as better than Elizabeth, and she'll likely be the best for her age' you thought "I have a question?" "yes (name)" "will Edward be entering into this, or will he be at school since he recently started school at Weston college?" you asked "no he won't be entering, he has the cricket game plus his fag duties to attend to but he will be watching," she told you.

'Alright, that fag thing can be seen as something bad, I'm surprised no one complained about the term in the manga especially America, here its more of slang for a cigarette though it could have another meaning in this era' you thought. you nodded and said "alright, I wondered since he's usually in the tournaments" "he maybe next time, but the school is important as is the cricket match," Francis told you. which you nodded 'I'm so taking a book, cricket isn't my thing though quick cricket is better ill be bored out my skull thought, I have the whole Ciel playing it in a few years' you thought.

After you were free to go so you spent time with Ciel, since you hadn't seen him for a while you where both in the garden "what have you been up to Ciel?" you asked he looked and said "lessons, fathers spent time with me the other day he said aunt Francis is having a birthday ball for her birthday" 'that's a thing I never paid attention to when her birthday is, oh well I need a gift' you thought. you said "have you picked a gift?" he thought then said "yeah, father has picked something out off me, him and mother" you nodded and said "I got her a sword broach for mothers day" "oh that's the one she had on today? its really pretty" "yeah I can't get her something like that again, maybe Ran will take me to look around London again? I might see something" Ciel nodded.

You enjoyed spending time with Ciel, you said "Ciel" he looked "if you need help with something, I'm here like with fencing or anything" "I know, and ill ask if I ever need help" he smiled at you but he wondered why you'd said that but didn't think any more about it. you wanted to tell him to save him from selling his soul, but you knew you couldn't it would mean no story. well no Sebastian and selling his soul to him, he'd still find who killed his parents just it would be a lot harder.

A few days later you were in London looking around, Elizabeth had come along with her nanny "have you got an idea?" Ran asked you shook your head "no I don't, it's hard I can't get her something like I did for mothers day, I know it would be a different style but it's still exactly the same a broach" Ran nodded and said "I understand, maybe you'll see something in one of the shops or market" you nodded and said "Elizabeth why don't you pick where we look for a gift" "really! I can pick where we look?" she asked you nodded.

After a short walk you reached a shop, you went in there was a lot of different things for women in there. Ran looked with you while Elizabeth's nanny looked with her, you looked at things 'why is it so hard to shop for Francis Midford in getting a gift mothers day I got lucky for that broach and being a sword, still I need something new maybe some jewellery' you thought as you looked "have you seen anything?" Ran asked you looked and shook your head. next, you went to a jewellery shop you went in with Elizabeth, the shop assistant said: "hello do you need some help?" "were looking for a present for our mothers birthday," you told them. the woman said "well I'm sure I can help you and your sister, why don't you tell me some about your mother and then I can help you pick something just right" Elizabeth then told the woman about Francis, and said, "oh and it has to be cute!" "well see as long as it's something shell like and it suits her if it's cute it can be a bonus ok," you told her she nodded.

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