chapter 21

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Ok, quick note I've given myself a deadline for this book to finish and I'll try to finish it by then or just after, but I will say this by next year the first book following the anime will be posted.

Your fencing tournament was coming up so you'd been made to practice more "why is (name) practising more mother?" Elizabeth asked Francis. she looked at Elizabeth and said "a very big fencing tournament is coming up, and I want her to do well in it most believe we women are not capable of standing on the same level as a man" it was then you backflipped and hit the practice dummy. "Well let's change that, women are so much stronger give us food we make a meal, give us a house we make a home and give us nothing we make a life right" you glanced at them as you said that "exactly (name), a good way to put that" Francis said praising you.

You fixed your outfit and hair 'I don't want her fixing my hair though, I can't wait to see her do Ciel and Sebastian's hair that will be funny' you thought and went over to her. Francis checked you over and said "do your best in that tournament, remember you need rest as much as practice" you nodded "(name!) (Name!) (Name!) please teach me how to do that!" asked Elizabeth looking at you, which you looked and said "sure but if you can do a crab, like this then I will" you did a crab 'thank god I practice yoga and things in that dream world' you thought standing up.

Elizabeth tried and couldn't and pouted "keep trying, once you can I'll teach you a backflip," you told her rubbing her head. you left when you got near your room you said "ok I need a bath, better cool down first or I'll be sore for a few days with stiff muscles" when you got to your room you asked a maid to run you a bath whit some of your favourite bath oils in. while you waited you sat on the bed and said "now how will I keep up with Ciel? I've got the advantage of having those 10 wishes but now I've just realised something I didn't wish for someone like Agni or Sebastian, someone to help me I can only do so much myself Agni's human but he's got superhuman abilities, and Sebastian well is Sebastian I'll have to talk to him when I next see him about it"

You were deep in thought you didn't hear the maid until she touched your shoulder you looked "I have called you young mistress, is everything ok just you seemed deep in thought?" she asked you shook your head saying "no just thinking something over that's all and thank you" you went to your bathroom and enjoyed your nice bath. after you changed into something comfy the next day you were with Francis and Elizabeth going shopping for a new outfit to wear to the tournament, you may have to wear the same outfit when fencing but when accepting the award or going in you didn't.

"Where are we going, mother?" Elizabeth asked "we are getting (name) a new outfit for this tournament, we need to make a good impression after all you are the children of the head of the order of the garter and head knight, so your older sister needs to show she is not to be messed with" "well let's see what they have first, we might find something new also something that I can fight in if needed to, to show I can look like a lady but I can fight," you said as you opened the shop door Francis nodded.

A worker said "hello and how can I help you today?" "Hello I'm looking for an outfit for my eldest daughter, she's entering a fencing tournament and we need a new outfit for her" "please follow me and I will get someone to talk to you" Francis nodded and sat down so did you and Elizabeth. soon a man came in and said "Hello ladies, I've been informed of what you want now I'll talk about what you want in more detail and colours and such and come up with a design fitting to you, and what you envision" you nodded.

It took a few hours and there were a few designs which you liked and with a few words convinced Francis to get them all. the designer said "wonderful! I will have all these made and have them sent to the Midford manor, it won't take less than 2 weeks" "thank you for that, come on girls let's go" Francis told you and Elizabeth, so you left with her happy with what you picked. the rest of the day was shopping getting Elizabeth a few things she needed.

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