Chapter 9

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Levy's POV
It's been a year since I last saw Lu and Natsu. Wendy, Charla, and Happy had arrived back in town the other day. They left not long after Lu and Natsu. They were really surprised when I greeted them with an infant in my arms. That's right, Gajeel and I have a kid. We named her Emma. Wendy is super excited because I'm letting her hold Emma for the first time. One day she'll make a great mom. My thoughts are soon interrupted by Happy flying in. "Natsu's here!" He exclaims, pulling me out of my seat.

Standing up I take Emma back from Wendy and walk outside. I can see Natsu walking beside a small carriage. He sees me and waves, leading the carriage here. "Hey Levy! And who is this little one?" He asks, walking up to me. "This is my daughter Emma." I say, letting Natsu carefully pick her up. "Did I hear daughter?" Lu asks as she steps down from the carriage. Seeing her I gasp. "Lu! You're pregnant!" I squeal, giving her a hug. "Yup, and they're due any day now." She says as I lead her inside to a seat.

Lu wasn't kidding, a few days later she gave birth. She had a little girl named Nashi and a little boy named Luke. "I'm so happy for you!" I squeal when I see her. Lu just smiles, too tired to reply. She hands Nashi to Natsu, letting him hold his daughter. I smile at the couple as I walk away, giving them some privacy. I walk over to Gajeel and Pantherlily, taking Emma from Gajeel. "They're gonna be best friends." I say, smiling down at my child. Right then my phone rings, interrupting the moment. I hand Emma back to Gajeel and answer it.

Lucy's POV
I look over at Natsu holding Nashi. "I'm really happy to have a family with you." He says, giving Nashi a kiss before handing her back. "Me too." I say, smiling at him. A few seconds later Levy walks in. "Sorry to interrupt but Erza and Jellal are going to be here in a week. And Erza says she has a surprise." She says, handing me a small box. "She doesn't know about our kids, so I thought we could surprise her." She says, handing Natsu another small box and then leaving. We open them to find two adorable outfits for Nashi and Luke.

A week later Natsu helps me to a seat and we wait for Erza. It doesn't take long before we see a magic mobile pull up. Jellal steps off and opens the door for Erza. She steps out and immediately spots our kids. "You guys have kids?!" She exclaims, walking over to us. "Yup, this is my daughter Emma." Levy says, smiling. "And these are my kids Nashi and Luke." I say, showing them to Erza. "How old are they?" She asks as Jellal picks up something in the magic mobile. "Emma is almost 2 months old. Nashi and Luke are about a week old." Levy says with a smile.

Erza walks back to the magic mobile and helps Jellal carry a large box into the house. "So what's in the box?" Wendy asks as she walks in from the other room. "A surprise!" Erza says, winking. "I called Gray and he said he and Juvia are about ten minutes away." Erza continues as Gajeel and all three exceeds walk in. "I'm sorry but how the hell does everybody know our address?" Gajeel asks, glaring at each of us. "Levy told us." Erza, Wendy, and I say together.

Natsu's POV
After a few minutes Gray walks in with Juvia behind him. "We finally made it." Gray mumbles, leaning against a wall. "Took ya long enough ice princess." I say with a grin. "Oh shut it pyro." Gray says, looking tired. "Are you ok darling?" Juvia asks him. Gray nods and looks around. "Where is everybody else?" He asks just as Luce walks in. "Erza wants everybody in the living room." She says, holding Luke and Nashi. "You have kids?!" Juvia exclaims excitedly. "Yeah." I say, taking Nashi from Lucy's arms. She smiles and leads us to the living room.

Lucy's POV
I take a seat next to Natsu and wait for Erza to say something. "I'm very excited to announce that Jellal and I are getting married!" She says with a grin. At once everybody starts congratulating them. After a few seconds the noise dies down. "To celebrate we brought this." Jellal says, lifting the lid of the box. Inside is a very large strawberry cake. Everybody starts gawking at the beauty of it. "Who wants the first slice?" Erza asks with a smile. All hands shoot up in the air with a chorus of 'me'.

After a few hours everyone has settled down. I watch as everyone starts catching up on everything they missed in the last year. It's great to be back with my family again. If only Fairy Tail was still a guild. Maybe we could convince Master Makarov to be master again. But only if we remake the guild. That would require tons of paperwork. And dealing with the magic council. Who still don't like us. But it would be worth it, to finally be with our Fairy Tail family again. Too bad it's only a stupid dream.

I wake up the next morning in my new house. Natsu and I had found it while waiting for Erza and Jellal to get here. It's nothing like my old apartment. Of coarse we're still moving in. The nursery is the only room that's done. And speaking of the nursery, the kids are awfully quiet this morning. I should probably check on them. I get up and make my way out of my room. Walking into the living room I smell something cooking. Natsu must be making breakfast. I hear him start quietly talking to one of the kids.

With a yawn I walk into the dining room. Luke and Nashi are in their rockers while Natsu is making pancakes. I walk up behind him and give him a hug. "Morning Luce." He says with a grin. I smile and sit down at the table. After a few seconds I get a call. Picking up my phone I answer it. "Hey Erza, what's up?" I ask tiredly. "Makarov is back! He said he wants to rebuild Fairy Tail!" She exclaims in excitement. I can't do anything but gape in surprise. Everything is so perfect, almost like a fairy tale ending.

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