Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV
The day after we left I got a text from Levy saying Master had disbanded Fairy Tail and then disappeared. That was two weeks ago. Natsu and I have been wandering around since, no destination in mind. We're currently in a forest and Natsu says we're near the Sabertooth guild. We plan on going to town and visiting them later, but right now we're training. Natsu is in a clearing a short distance away practicing his magic, while I'm about to start meditating under the guidance of Capricorn. I recently discovered there's a new way to use the power of my spirits, it's called Stardress.

A few days later we're heading towards town, going to visit our friends in Sabertooth. "Are you sure we're going the right way?" I ask after a few hours of walking. "Yeah we're almost there." Natsu replies before stopping and listening to something. "You're never gonna fucking believe this." He says with a grin. "Sting and Rouge are on a date over that way." He says, pointing farther into the forest. "Really?" I ask, surprised. Natsu nods, sneaking towards them. I follow him, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Sting's POV
I finally get to go on another date with Rouge. It's been ages since we were last able to get away unnoticed. "Finally some alone time with you." I say, grinning at Rouge. A blush dusts over his face, making him look even cuter. We talk for a few minutes, enjoying each others company. "Do you think we should tell the others about us?" Rouge asks nervously. "They probably already know." I reply, moving closer. As he opens his mouth to say something else I lean in and kiss him, pulling him onto my lap.

Lucy's POV
Natsu and I find Sting and Rouge making out under a tree. Snapping a picture I grin at the cute couple. We sneak away before they notice us and head to their guild hall. When we arrive we walk over to Yukino. "Hey Yukino." I say as Natsu walks away to talk to other people. "Oh hey Lucy." She says, turning towards me. "So where are Sting and Rouge?" I ask, hiding my grin. "They left about ten minutes ago to 'run some errands'."She says, doing air quotes as she says it. "Great errands." I say, showing her the picture.

When she sees the photo Yukino grins. "I knew it!" She says, still grinning. Grabbing my arm she leads me to a lacrima that prints pictures. Taking my phone she prints the picture and finds a frame for it. Returning to the main room she hangs the picture up and calls everyone over to look at it. About a half hour later Natsu tells us Sting and Rouge are returning. We stand in front of the picture, hiding it just as they walk in. "Hey guys, welcome back." Yukino says, hiding her grin.

Sting's POV
Walking into the guild hall I notice Natsu talking to Rufus and Lucy talking to Yukino. "Hey guys, welcome back." Yukino says, waving us over. As we walk over to her Natsu walks over to Lucy and grabs her hand. "So are you two together?" I ask, taking a seat. Lucy nods, a grin on her face. "So Sting, how was your date?" Yukino asks, making me choke on air. Her and Lucy move aside, revealing a picture of Rouge and I making out. "Where the hell did you get that?" I ask, my face heating up. "Well I took it when Natsu and I stumbled across you guys in the forest." Lucy says, still grinning.

Lucy's POV
Sting's reaction is priceless, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Calming down I wipe away a few tears, still giggling a little. "Haha, very funny." Sting says after a few minutes. "Glad you find my embarrassment so fucking funny." He mumbles, barely audible. "Um guys, where did Rouge go?" Yukino asks, looking around the room. "Probably ran off to hide how embarrassed he was." Someone says, making a few people around them laugh. "I'm going to go find him." Sting says, looking worried. He walks away, looking for Rouge.

Sting's POV
Leaving the guild hall I walk into the forest, heading to Rouge's favorite spot. As I walk closer I see Rouge sitting under a tree, picking at the grass. "You ok?" I ask, sitting down beside him. Without saying anything he nods, refusing to look at me. After a few moments of silence Rouge looks up. "Was it really necessary to frame the picture and hang it up?" He asks, a blush coloring his face. "I think it was a little much, but there's nothing we can do about it." I reply, giving him a kiss.

Lucy's POV
After about an hour Sting returns, Rouge following him. "Does anybody know where Lector and Frosch are?" Sting asks, walking towards his office. "They haven't returned from town yet." Yukino replies as Sting and Rouge walk into the office, closing the door behind them. "What do you think they're doing?" She asks me, still staring at the door. "Probably making out." I reply, a small grin on my face. "Nah, they're doing some paperwork." Natsu says, looking bored. "Way to dash our hopes." I say, hitting him lightly. "I should probably go find the exceeds." Yukino says, walking out to the town.

After a couple hours Yukino returns with Lector and Frosch. Lector starts to go to the office but stops when someone starts talking. "I wouldn't bother them, they're currently making out on the desk." Natsu says, still looking bored. "Natsu!" Sting yells as he storms out of the room. "Ok, I might have lied about that." Natsu says, grinning. Lector bursts out laughing as Sting glares at Natsu. "Rouge!" Frosch says, running into his arms. "Well, I think it's time for us to head out." Natsu says, grabbing my hand and walking towards the door.

"Do you really have to leave already?" Yukino asks, looking sad. "No, we don't." I say, pulling my hand away and walking back over to her. "We can stay here for a few days, if that's ok with you guys." I say, sitting down. "Yeah that would be tons of fun." Yukino says, taking a seat beside me. "No, we're leaving now." Natsu says, trying to pull me to the door. "Natsu stop!" I exclaim, pulling away from him. "What is going on with you?" I ask as he tries to pull me to the door again. As he opens his mouth to say something he faints.

"Take him to the infirmary." Sting says to a few people. They pick up Natsu's limp body and carry him to the infirmary. "Do you know what's going on?" He asks me, I shake my head in reply. "But I know someone who might be able to give us answers." I say, grabbing one of my keys. "Open, gate of the southern cross. Crux!" I say, summoning Grandpa Crux. "Can you tell me what's wrong with Natsu?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly. "Tell me what happened." Grandpa Crux says, ready to help. "He was acting really weird and then he fainted." I say, telling him what happened.

Natsu's POV
I open my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Sitting up I look around and realize I'm in an infirmary. What happened? I ask myself as I stand up. I get this sudden feeling, telling me to get as far away from here as possible. Climbing out of the nearest window I run into the forest. After a few minutes of running I slow down, catching my breath. Looking around I don't see or hear anybody so I take a seat under a tree. As I sit down my phone rings. Pulling it out I check the contact, Lucy.

Who's Lucy?

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