Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV
I pull out my phone, looking at it nervously. The group wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to confess to Natsu today. Clicking his contact I call him. I listen as the line rings, after a few minutes it goes to voicemail. "Hey Nastu, I need your help with something. Could you meet me by the river near the cafe? I'll wait for you here." I say before hanging up. Sitting down I wait, hoping he'll come. After about an hour he still hasn't arrived. Standing up I walk over to the others, ready to go home.

Natsu's POV
I'm sitting under a tree in the middle of the forest, thinking about what I had overheard earlier. I hear my phone start to ring and ignore it, if they have something important to say they'll leave a message. After it stops ringing I get a notification for a voicemail. Looking at my phone I see that it was Lucy who called and left a message. Listening to it I frown, still upset that the love of my life likes someone else. Need help with what, figuring out how to confess to that guy? I think bitterly, leaning back and falling asleep.

Opening my eyes I see that it's nighttime. I look around, trying to figure out what woke me up. As I look around I hear something. After a few seconds I hear it again, it's Lucy calling out for me. I can hear her beautiful voice plagued with worry as she calls out again. Feeling bad for making her worry I get up and walk in the direction of her voice. When I see her I sneak up behind her and grab her wrist. I can feel her jump before turning around. "Natsu! Your ok!" She says, hugging me.

After a few minutes Lucy lets go and looks up at me. "You had us worried sick! We've been trying to find you for hours!" She says, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. "Sorry. I fell asleep." I say, starting to walk to my house. Lucy grabs my hand, making me stop walking. "What's going on?" She asks, still holding my hand. "It's nothing." I reply, trying to pull my hand away. "Tell me what the hell is bothering you." She says, not letting go. Pulling me towards her, she causes me to trip over a root and fall.

Why do we always end up in situations like this? I ask myself as I look down at the beautiful blonde underneath me. Mumbling an apology I get off of her. Sitting under a nearby tree I stare at my hands, refusing to look at her. "Natsu, are you ok?" She asks, her voice soft and sweet. I don't reply, still looking away from her. I feel her place her hand on my cheek, pulling me to face her. "Please tell me why your acting like this." She says quietly, her voice barely audible.

Looking into her chocolate eyes I sigh. "Lucy, I need to tell you something." I say, deciding I'll tell her even if she doesn't return my feelings. "I overheard your conversation about confessing to the guy you like. I got really upset because the truth is, I like you." I say, not meeting her gaze. "You do?" She asks, a blush spreading across her face. Nodding my head I look at her, smiling at how cute she is. As I look away I feel her hand on my cheek again, making me look at her. Before I can do anything she pulls me in and kisses me.

Levy's POV
We were all out searching for Natsu, I was about to call out to Lucy when Gajeel grabs my hand. Looking up at him I open my mouth to say something, closing it again when I notice he's listening for something. After a second a grin spreads across his face. He starts walking and grabs my hand, pulling me with him. We walk for a little bit before Gajeel stops and pulls me down into a crouch. Crawling forward we hide in a bush. Before I can ask him what we're doing he points at something through the leaves.

Looking to where Gajeel was pointing I can't help but grin. Natsu and Lucy are talking and Natsu just confessed to her. After a few seconds Lucy kisses Natsu, almost making me squeal with delight. Pulling my phone out I take a picture and send it to Mira. As the two break apart Natsu grins, pulling Lucy into a hug. "Don't look know but Levy and Gajeel are hiding in a bush." He says, making Lucy look around for us. Standing up I run over and hug Lucy before dragging her away. "Tell me exactly what happened." I demand, overly excited.

Natsu's POV
I can't believe that really just happened. The girl I've been in love with since I first met her just kissed me. "Good job salamander, you finally got your girl." Gajeel says, sitting down next to me. "Yeah and you got yours." I say, still grinning from the kiss. "So what exactly happened? All the girls just decided to confess today?" I ask, confused about that part. "Us girls made a deal that if we confessed to our crushes then Lucy would confess to you while you guys were on the training mission." Someone says from behind us.

Turning around I see Erza standing there glaring at us. "Gajeel why didn't you call and tell me you found him?" She says, focusing her glare at Gajeel. "Well Levy and I found them right as he confessed and we didn't want to ruin the moment." Gajeel says, swallowing nervously. "Ok that's a decent enough reason." Erza says, pulling out her phone and calling someone. "Yeah we found him, tell Gray and Juvia to come here as well." She says before hanging up. "You have a story to tell when they arrive." Erza says, sitting down.

Lucy's POV
After telling Levy everything that happened we walk back over to find Erza sitting with the boys. "Hey Erza." I say, taking a seat between her and Natsu. "Hello Lucy, I hope you enjoyed your time time with Natsu." She says with a sinister grin. "Erza stop teasing her." A voice says before I can reply. We look up to see Jellal, Juvia, and Gray standing there. Before they can sit down I stand up and brush myself off. "Now that we're all here, we should go somewhere more comfortable." I say, pulling Natsu up, the others also standing up.

Erza's POV
"That's a great idea. We should go to your place, and have a sleepover while we're there." I say, trying to hide my smile. I hear Lucy sigh before she reluctantly agrees. Grabbing Jellal's hand I start heading in the direction of Lucy's apartment, the others following us. After a short walk we arrive and Lucy unlocks the door for us. Dragging Jellal to the couch I take a seat and wait for the others to do the same. "Now that we're here we should play a game." I say, an evil smile spreading across my face.

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