Chapter 4: Tonight

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As the days approached for his album release, Michael's nerves grew higher. He warned Nicole in one of their late-night heart-to-hearts that his workload would increase in preparation, meaning lots of interviews, photo sessions, and evening performances, making it more difficult for him to call regularly. While he did speak the truth, maybe it was also his subconscious fear trying to push her away.

However, Nicole was understanding. She had her own work to consume her. Preparing for an international move and leaving her whole life behind in pursuit of an education was a lot for any young person. And though there was comfort in knowing she would have at least one friend, Michael was busy, and the last thing Nicole wanted was to become a burden.

Today, Michael would be visited by JET magazine for a casual photoshoot and interview scheduled to hit the stands right after his album release. JET was one of the few consistent allies, always saying kind things and dispelling rumors about the Jackson family, so Michael was eager to welcome them and grant this exclusive interview. His team had been working hard to get cover shoots with a few more 'universally recognized' magazines, but they just weren't interested. 

How could Donny Osmond be on the cover of Rolling Stone but Michael Jackson couldn't!? 

Again Michael pushed those thoughts away, reminding himself to stay humble. One day, every magazine and television program in the country would be begging him for an interview.

A slender black man with glasses, Rob, conducted the interview. Speaking casually like old friends, Michael instantly felt comfortable.

Rob: Thank you again for having me back, Michael. I love being able to stop by and catch up with you. So how are you? How's the family?

Michael: We're all doing very well. Thank you for asking.

Rob: Remind me, how many of you kids are still living here?

Michael: It's umm, me, LaToya, my youngest brother, Randy, and the baby of the family, Janet.

Rob: How does it feel to be the oldest of the boys still living at home? Still unmarried?

Michael: Oh, I don't mind. I like being here with my mother. I don't feel it's time for me to leave yet. Everything has to feel just right... I do things by feeling and force and I just don't feel it's time for me to move away yet.

Rob: But don't you ever want your own space?

Michael: I have plenty of space! I would die of loneliness if I moved out now. Most people who move out go to discos every night. They party every night. They invite friends over and I don't do any of those things. I don't really go out at all unless I'm working or there's a show or something I really want to see. But we always have people just walking around the house here. I always have my sisters or someone to talk to when I want to.

Rob: So you don't go out partying every night, but do you do date? We've seen you out with Miss. Tatum O'Neal. She's very lovely.

Michael: Sure, she's great! We're really good friends.

Rob: So when all your JET fans ask, what do you want them to know about you two?

Michael: I want all those people who read JET to just know that we're mainly good friends. We go out dancing and have a good time, you know. People take it to crazy means and crazy extents and it's nothing like that, I just tell them we're really, really, really good friends. That's all I say. And they say, 'well, how good of friends are you? Is there any romance going on?' And I say, 'yes, sometimes but not all the time.' I don't know why people are so fascinated by these things. I like to meet girls and date and things, you know, I'm just very shy and I think these things should be private.

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