She looked up at me, no longer persistent or insistent. Only sighing came from her lips. “I didn’t kill anyone, did I?”

I felt my jaw hanging half open, as I stared at her, before breaking out in laughter. She frowned at this. “Stop laughing, you ass!” She groaned, smacking me across the face with a pillow.

I mock glared at her. “Oh, you did not just go there, Anna Banana.”

She cocked her head to the side, giving me her famous ‘are-you-joking-or-are-you-joking’ look. “Anna Banana?”

I gave her a sheepish look. “It’s been my nickname for you for quite some time now…” I uneasily trailed off. She only started crackling in laughter, her head thrown back and her hands on her stomach. Her long, beautiful, auburn hair fell down, over her bum. So I grinned and did the first thing to come to my mind.

I threw a pillow at her head. As soon as it hit her, her beautiful laugh stopped immediately. She had a small glint in her eyes and grabbed both pillows off the bed, chucking them both at me. Laughing, I dodged them both, to which she pouted at. “Ah,” I sighed. “Fine, throw one at me,” I told her.

Her aim could not have been worse. It went over five feet to my right. So I lunged there, allowing the pillow to gut me. She cracked a smile. “I like you,” she grinned, before running down the stairs.

Sigh. And I love you.

“Wait, wait,” Annie said, furrowing her eyebrows. “So you’re telling me,” she paused, “that Jason and Natasha are married?” We all nodded. She slowly bopped her head up and down. “Right. Okay. Got it. So,” she grinned. “Please tell me I have a cute little niece or nephew wreaking havoc!”

“Uh…” Harry said, unsurely.

“Nope!” I quickly interjected. “Not yet! Maybe on the way,” I told her. Louis shot me an accusing glare. Zayn looked rather torn between what to do.

“Boys, we have a…um…issue,” Liam suddenly said, looking up from his phone. “We’ve got to go to Syco tomorrow to talk to Simon. We cannot leave Annie here alone.”

Upon having heard her name, Annie looked up and gave a quizzical stare. “I’m not a child.”

“But you lost your memory,” Harry pointed out.

She huffed and grumbled on about being treated like she was twelve. If only she knew just why she can’t be left alone, she’d understand. Unfortunately, I never really got around to telling her she was famous for her acting and dancing, and as so, has no idea that she is famous. Or that she’s got fanbases all over twitter because she’s my girlfriend…or…temporarily on hold girlfriend?

No, no. She is my girlfriend. And no matter what anyone says or thinks, she always will be.

“Lads, I think we should bring her with us,” I quietly said. “Uncle Simon would know what to do.”

Annie’s clear eyes grew wide, and she sucked in a breath, before collapsing straight into my arms. Harry and Louis blinked and stared. “Er…what just happened?” Liam worriedly asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, breathing heavily. “I don’t know, Liam, I don’t know, help me, I don’t know!”

I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Relax,” Zayn soothingly said. “It might just be stress or pressure. Don’t worry, she’ll wake up soon.”  

I didn’t say anything, but steadily stood to my feet, Annie in my arms. Putting her in a bed was probably the best idea. I tucked her in; I kissed her forehead; I gingerly held my hand against hers, and I laid my head down on the bed just next to her hand that I held, with my legs twisted up on the floor.

Sighs came from the doorway. “Niall, come on, mate. This isn’t healthy, Ni.”

“Go away, Liam,” I moaned, snuggling in closer to Annie’s warm arms.

He put his arms around my shoulders to pull me up and to my feet. I couldn’t help but to only shrug him off. I might’ve felt slightly bad about it, but at the time, I really wasn’t thinking anything coherently. I think he could tell that when I forcefully shoved him off of me. He sighed.

“Just…be sure to go to bed on time, yeah, Niall?” I didn’t answer. I didn’t have time to, really, seeing as he left the second after he’d said it, knowing I wouldn’t have answered, really. I don’t think I’d have answered him back, had time allowed it, anyways.

And just like that, I fell asleep right there, beside Annie.

The blaring sun was such a nuisance in my eyes. Holding a hand up to my eyes, I squinted in hopes of adjusting to it. I didn’t really actually have to, though, because no sooner had I done that, the sun was out of my eyes, where Annie blocked it with her head. Her wide eyes stared into mine, her face so close…I wanted so badly only to just lean in and kiss her. In fact it was so difficult not to. I was so tempted.

“Good morning,” I greeted her. “How are you feeling?”

She didn’t say anything. She only kept staring at me. “Er…you kind of passed out on us yesterday night…what happened?” Still, she said nothing. “Annie? You okay?”

“I…I…I don’t know. I-I remembered something,” she stuttered.

I bolted straight up, off my position on the floor, and joined her on the bed. Holding her hand tenderly, I softly said, “Tell me, Annie. What did you see? What did you remember, Anna Banana?”

Her lips made a somewhat pout, before she bit her lower lip.

It took all I had in looking back up to her eyes.

I just want to kiss her, dammit!

“It…I just…It’s kind of foggy,” she finally said. “I mean, talking about Simon just gave me this huge flashback about when I first met him,” she said, biting her lip again. “I mean, I was with all of you, and Natasha and Jason were there as well. And you were sort of hugging me and Zayn was holding Natasha…I think…were they together?”

I lifted my eyebrows. “Well…actually…yeah, I mean…well Natasha and Jason sort went through a rough patch after your nineteenth birthday, and they sort just broke up. Zayn was there to comfort her, and they just sort of happened. But then things happened and they broke up and Jason and Natasha kind of just went back together and they haven’t really hit anything that big yet.”

She seemed to be in tough thought. “Oh.”

I cracked a smile. “Yeah.”

Harry suddenly barged in and shouted, “Guys! Syco meeting in an hour! Get up, get ready!”

I rolled my eyes, but Annie jumped out of bed, opening the bathroom door. “Can I go first?” she asked, turning her head to see me. I nodded and lied down on the bed, waiting.

As I waited another ten minutes, I asked myself, why did I let her go first?

I would have been perfectly cleaned up and ready by now.

Everyone knows girls take forever when getting ready. I must’ve been an idiot to not go first. What was I thinking?

As soon as the door opened, though, and Annie came out, with her wet hair clinging to her skin and in nothing but a towel, I think I realized exactly what I was thinking.

Oh, the perks of being a boy.

So, guys, if you didn't read the notice up at the top, PLEASE, PLEASE read it, and try not to hate me, yeah?

xx Love you, Cookies!

Simmi xx

Dear Annie,Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon