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"Now, you may doubt him, but today, I saw Niklaus demonstrate mercy towards an enemy. Tell me that's not progress." Elijah told his sister as he and Nat walked, hand in hand, through the Quarter with Rebekah.

"Please, Elijah. Who do you think convinced Klaus to let Thierry out?" Rebekah scoffed and the other Original furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"Because, despite Klaus' reprieve, Thierry despises him. I like that about Thierry." The blonde told Elijah. "I also like that he used to date a witch, so he knows about French Quarter covens. Maybe he can lead me to whoever stole off with the Harvest magic." She muttered quietly, to which Nat nodded. She had also been wondering about that.

"Rebekah, we are all devastated by the outcome of this ritual." Elijah told his sister as they stopped walking.

"That's just it, Elijah." Nat intervened and he looked at her. "There was no outcome. We all know that power like that doesn't just vanish."

"I say someone stole it. I'd like to know who, and then I'd like to make an ally out of them." Rebekah said with a smile.

"To what end, exactly?" Elijah asked her and she sighed.

"I'm tired of being threatened and controlled by our tyrant brother. If you want to stop a bully, you need the power to stand up to them."

"I expect such behavior from Niklaus. It's so very disappointing when it comes from you, Rebekah. Do you not see that, in his way, he's making an effort here? He's invited us back into our family home. He yearns for our family to be reunited." Elijah tried to reason with her, but Rebekah wasn't having any of it.

"Yes. He's in a brilliant mood now, but for how long? It's his trick, Elijah. He lulls you into a false sense of camaraderie and kinship, and then he turns on you like a snake." She said frustratedly. "I fall for it every time and wind up with a dagger in my chest for my trouble. No more."

"I believe that he is approaching some semblance of peace here. Leadership may, in fact, be a good thing for him. Now, sister, please, I ask you, if you cannot support him, then at least do nothing to provoke him." Rebekah and Nat exchanged discreet glances before the blonde stormed off angrily. Nat sighed quietly, hoping that Elijah didn't find out about their plan to take the city from Klaus and Marcel. "I don't know what she's up to." Elijah muttered to himself and Nat turned to him.

"She's just being cautious." Nat tried to assure him and he sighed before smiling at her.

"Shall we?" He gestured at the restaurant and she nodded. He opened the door for her and she stepped inside, the hostess leading them to a table on the back. Once they sat down, she gave them some menus and left them alone so they could decide what to order. "So, tell me about your little trip to Mystic Falls." He told her as they read through the menus.

"Well, can't say I missed that town." She scoffed and he chuckled lowly. Once she had decided on what to order, the waitress came back and took their orders before leaving again.

"I take it Katerina is..."

"Dead? Yeah, I guess." He raised an eyebrow at her words. "I left. I couldn't wait all night until she died. So, I said my goodbyes and then left."

"How about Elena? Did you talk to her?"

"I did, actually. She's with Damon now."

"How predictable." Elijah said and Nat could detect a hint of amusement in his voice. "And Stefan?"

"Well, turns out he-" She was interrupted by the waitress coming back with their drinks. They thanked her and Nat spoke again. "Turns out Bonnie had been dead all summer." Elijah's eyes widened slightly when he heard that. "Which means that the spell that she did on Silas, was broken the minute she died. So, Silas being Silas, drove a stake through Stefan and locked him in a safe before throwing him in Steven's Quarry."

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