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"Have you heard from Maia and Jackson?" Nat asked Hayley as she finished her cup of coffee. They hybrid looked at her and shook her head solemnly.

"Nothing, they just disappeared."

"That's weird. Do you think they're okay?" Nat was worried about her friend, if she was being honest. At first, she thought nothing of those two being gone, but after a couple of weeks, she was getting worried.

"They're wolves, Nat. They've been through a lot and if someone's going to survive out in the wilderness, it's them." When Nat raised an eyebrow and Hayley smiled. "Look, Jackson is tough and so is Maia. She's one of the fiercest of the wolves, if not the fiercest. Wherever they are, I'm sure they're fine." Nat smiled softly and nodded.

"Brother!" Both girls snapped their heads to the courtyard when they heard Elijah's shouting as he entered the compound. "Niklaus!" Nat and Hayley walked over to him quickly, the latter with a frown in her face.

"You do realize that literally everyone here, apart from Nat, has supernatural hearing, right?" Hayley snapped at him as he looked around the courtyard.

"Where is my brother?"

"I'll check his calendar... wait, no. Not his wife, so..." Hayley said sarcastically and Nat snorted, earning a glare from Elijah.

"Hayley, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged mother's every command. Now, considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass." Elijah was annoyed, which made Nat roll her eyes as she looked at Hayley.

"He left a while ago." Nat replied and he glanced at her.

"Now, if you want to find him, I can't help you. If only there was a magical device that people used to call people? I don't know, I'm out of ideas. Good luck." Nat smiled as she started to walk away. She then stopped and turned back to the Original. "Oh! One more thing, Elijah." He raised an eyebrow at the hybrid, expecting her to say something about Klaus. "Those 'beasts' that you're referring to? They may be under Esther's control, but like you said, they're my people. So, if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems." With that, she walked away, leaving Elijah looking unhappy and Nat impressed.

"Look at you, finally embracing your own." Nat told Elijah, making him roll his eyes. "Oh, come on. Doesn't it feel good? To finally side with your own kind instead of running around after..." She trailed off and motioned at the wolves hanging around the courtyard.

"It's not so bad." He confessed before gesturing for them to go to their bedroom to get more privacy. They climbed the stairs quickly and entered the room, Nat flopping down on the bed and closing her eyes.

"Tell me about the thing with the wolves and the vampires. What happened?" Nat asked out loud. She heard Elijah pass her and she opened one eye, noticing he headed straight to the balcony. Nat rolled her eyes and got up from the bed to follow him, wrapping her arms around him as soon as she was behind him. "What happened with the wolves?"

"It seems like my mother has ordered them to run the vampires out of the city." Nat frowned at those words. "Of course they have to follow her every command, given the rings she has given them."

"And what are you gonna do?" He turned around at her question and stared at her in confusion. "I mean, they're your people and you're not just gonna leave them to fend for themselves, are you?"

"How about you get your people to lay off mine?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at her.

"You know that our faction is separate from your bitch mother and the wolves." Nat shrugged and he sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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