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"I never asked, but how was your summer?" Elijah murmured as he ran his fingers through Nat's hair. After a long and... very entertaining shower, they were now laying in bed just talking.

"Really fun, actually." Nat told him as she traced her fingers on his naked chest. "I started in Bulgaria. Did you know my old house was turned into a homestay?"

"Mhm." Nat looked up surprised and he smiled at her. "After I left Mystic Falls last year, I went to Bulgaria. I visited your old home and when I saw what it had been turned into, I stayed there."

"I stayed there too." Nat smiled at him broadly before laying her head on his chest again. "Anyways, I already told you this on the letter that never got to you, but Nikolina, the owner, was really nice to me. She was impressed by my perfect bulgarian, so I told her that my family was from the country and that I had lived there some time."

"It isn't a lie." He noted.

"Well, I couldn't tell her that I had lived in that exact same house 500 years ago." She mumbled and his chest vibrated with silent laughter. "Anyways, after exploring the city for some time, I finally headed to Paris, where I met this friend of Kol's. Eloise Beauvais?"

"Ah, Eloise. I remember her. She loved to get into all sorts of troubles, perfect match for Kol."

"Were they... together?" Nat asked and Elijah shook his head.

"No. Kol wasn't really her type." He gave her a knowing look and Nat smiled at those words.

"Who turned her? It couldn't have been Kol."

"Rebekah." She raised an eyebrow and his lips twitched. "They liked to spend time together. One of those times they had been together, Rebekah turned her. Although later she became really good friends with Kol. They liked to wreak havoc wherever they went." Nat took in the information and nodded, surprised at that.

"Well, she let me stay with her and taught me how to fight vampires- supernatural creatures, really."

"Really?" He asked her intrigued now.

"Mhm. Even taught me how to snap someone's neck and how to kill a vampire." His eyes widened slightly and Nat sighed. "While you were daggered, some witches tried to kill Hayley. I was with her and we both had to fight those guys, I had to make a choice. I chose to protect Hayley and the baby."

"You killed one of them."

"Two." He looked at her surprised before resuming his actions with his fingers. Once she felt him running his fingers through her hair, she relaxed a little. "After Paris, I went to Germany, where I met a really nice couple, Franziska and Louisa. Then I went to Benin, where I met Edmond. He taught me how to store magic inside a necklace, that way I'll be able to use magic without needing to have any of you next to me."

"That's... reassuring, actually."

"It's only intended for small spells, so I'll have to restore the magic once it runs out. But it's something." He nodded and Nat kept going. She told him about the rest of her trip and the people she had met, as well as what she had learned. He listened intently and asked questions every now and then, Nat answering them happily.

"Have you talked to Elena?" Her heart skipped a beat the mention of her sister's name and Nat took a deep breath.

"Not really. We said goodbye four months ago, the night I graduated."

"And Katherine?" Nat suddenly remembered that little detail about her other sister and an amused smile made its way onto her lips.

"She's human now." She looked up at him and saw his surprised and confused reaction. "She tried to kill Elena, so she shoved the cure down her throat. I haven't heard from her, but I guess she's miserable right now."

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