Chapter Twenty Five

Start bij het begin

Sari smiled, hugging him back for a moment. "You know what I meant." She said gently, giving him a look then looking to Quinn, amused. She took her by the shoulders and pulled to her side gently, planting a kiss on her head. 

The child giggled again and hugged her tightly as Raf laughed and kissed his wife again. "Ew gross." she said and smiled at them. "You guys are always eating your faces." she giggled.

Her mother laughed and smiled in amusement. "We are not." She shook her head. "Silly." She gently ruffled the little girl's hair, entertained by her innocence. Rafael chuckled again and held the two close. He then ate with them and they listened to the child tell more stories. Sari smiled some as she listened, eating with them calmly in peace. She glanced at the clock occasionally as well, worried for her friend.


Ratchet was silent, feeling the scouts stare but never looking at him. He knew he was upset with him. "I wasn't leaving Jack." he muttered in defense but without his usual bite in the tone. Knowing exactly why the young man was angry.

Bumblebee stared at him intently then hugged his knees to his chest again as he stared off to the side. He didn't say anything, knowing the man was right. He wouldn't leave his family either, but Ratchet was part of his family. He thought for a long time then realized he didn't actually have a family like he did. He buried his face again and shook his head. 

The doctor felt guilt wash over him and into his shoulders and heart. His chest felt heavy and he reached out but just gripped one of the many bars instead. "You're family to me Bumblebee... but Jack is close to being critical..." he whispered, trailing off. 

The scout nodded slowly but still didn't look at him. He rubbed his face, feeling awful now. He nodded again in understanding and hugged his knees again. He gripped his hair as he thought about his own 'family'. Did he have one?

Ratchet sighed softly as he watched him. "Rafael is probably worried for you. They all are." He murmured, trying to get more nods or shakes of the head out of him. He sighed again and looked around then back to his friend. "I missed you youngling. It's been a long time." He smiled a little. Bumblebee didn't respond for a few minutes then slowly looked over at him. He sat there and stared for a while as if trying to decide on what the man was trying to do. Was he being honest or just saying things? The scout studied him and furrowed his brow a little. 

The old man frowned a bit, seeing him so off. He sighed, wishing he at least got more of an acknowledgment. He knew he wasn't able to speak but he felt as if he was just ignoring him. Ratchet didn't leave though and pressed his forehead against the cool bars. "Hopefully Miko and the others are alright." He murmured, filling the silence.

The scout nodded slowly as he watched him and glanced towards the other wall. He couldn't stay mad at the doctor. He slowly got up and walked over then sat in front of him. He stared at him then gently gripped his hand as he rested his head against the bars.

Ratchet looked at him, watching with surprise. He smiled a little then it faded, gripping his hand tighter. "Are you alright, Bumblebee?" He asked quietly, looking at the blonde with concern. 

He hesitated then nodded slowly before looking down at his lap as he stayed leaning against the bars. "I'll... be... fine..." he rasped quietly and glanced around the room. He understood why Raf didn't like it in here. They were too similar to the cons cages. He frowned and wondered if Ratchet remembered that.

The doctor looked up at him with a sharp expression. "Stop using your voice." He spoke sternly. He then sighed as he looked at the cell. He didn't remember being held. They came back in flashbacks usually. Bumblebee could tell it didn't bother him and he smiled sadly. He envied the man's ignorance but also felt bad for him. Wondering how it happened to his friend.

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu