I opened the door and wanted to vomit. My heart stopped and I stood there wide eyed and mouth agape. Weston was sitting on his bed with Kayleigh. They were kissing and he wasn't wearing a shirt. They both looked at me.

"Julep...." Weston started and I ran down the stairs. Amy Knew. That's why she invited me in. I ran out the door and down the street.

I slowed to a walking pace and steadied my breathing. I stopped the tears and just walked. I was freezing and soaked but I walked anyway.

"Oh My god. Julep!!!" It was Max.He was standing on the porch of a big yellow house. He ran down towards me.

"Julep what are you doing out here!" He yelled over the rain. He put his arm over my shoulder and led me towards his house. We were on a small porch and there were little floral chairs. He sat me in one and went into the house.

My mind was just blown. Weston and Kayleigh, and I had no right to be mad. I pushed Weston from my brain and max came out with a towel. A bunch of towels anyway. I laughed and grabbed one. I started drying my hair.

"Julep, what happened?" Max was looking at me with a worried look.

"Nothing. Just family drama that made me mad and I had to get out of the house."

"I know the feeling." He came over and squatted in front of me. He started pulling my hair to the side and drying it carefully with a towel. I smiled. His hand went to my cheek and her rubbed his thumb under my eye. I felt Butterflies in my stomach at his touch. He was so sweet. But he was Chris's. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked with his hand still there. I stared into his light green eyes. He was so adorable.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Good. Are you cold?"

"No. Not anymore." I meant it. I was a little warmer. He grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"Alex might come over later. Are you staying?"

"Yeah." I smiled again.  He pulled me into the house by my hand and up the stairs.

He led me into a large room. The walls were black with streaks of red and there were AHS Posters, Skatebored posters, and family portraits all over his dark walls. There was a large red bed in the middle and clutter everywhere else. It was clean but messy. On one wall was a large red dresser. In the corner was a desk that held a laptop computer and decorations of skateboreds. On the otherside of the room next to the door was a tall red bookcase. It was absolutely filled with Movies and books. It smelt clean and fresh. 

Max was sitting on the bed changing his shoes when i noticed a small picture on his desk. It was a framed picture of him,Chris, anna, and alex. Chris had her arm slung around his shoulder and Anna was on Alexs back. I picked up the picture and flipped it in my hands. Friendship. I had never had anything like that. Why did friendship come so easily to me when i had never even had a friend?

"Thats really old," Max took the picture looking at it.

"Its cute. You guys are all best friends. I have never had anything like that." I stated.

"Trust me its not what you think." He put the picture faced down and walked back to the bed. He bent down and picked up his shoes. He placed them in the closet and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I aske truely confused.

He put his hands in his pocket and looked at me then he said, " Ask me tomorrow." My heart dropped. Thats what I said to Weston. Ugh Weston. 

When I thought about him this time I did not feel butterflys in my stomach and my palms didnt tingle. 

"Now come on. Lets go." Max grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. I giggled as i tripped and fell into him. He turned around and cought me laughing. 

"Carful," He laughed as we walked out the front door.

When i stepped outside i saw Him. Alex. He was walking up the front steps. I paused when i saw him.

"Hey whats wrong?" Max turned around and was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Um, Nothing." I shook my head and looked back up at Alex. Our eyes met. I saw somthing I had only seen once befor but i could not place it. The look in his eyes.

"Hey, Alex." Max slapped a hand on His back. His eyes did not leave mine and mine stayed glued to his. I could not figure out the look in his eyes. 

"Alex, You met Julep right?" Alex nodded and max went into the house leaving me and max out on the porch. I awkardly sat on the step. Max came back out with three cans of soda. I looked at the can and set it down.

"What?" Max asked acting offended.

I giggled and asked, " You got a car?"

" Yeah. Why?"

"Get me the keys." I stood up and looked at alex. He was sitting in one of the small chairs. He stood up when Max tossed me the keys.

"Cars over here." Max led me to the closed garage. He opend it up. Inside was a Bright yellow lambo. It was nice but that was not what left my mouth open. That is not what left my eyes popped out. No It was not the lambo.

The 3.6 Million dolla bright orange Eco spirit Es1 is what made my legs weak. My eyes pop and my stomach twist. I knew there was a smile plasterd to my face. The absolute Best bike in the world was sitting in this garage collecting dust. I heard Max talking but i drowned him out. My knees were weak and i thought for a minute i would fall. I was absoultely speechless.

I fetl someones eyes on me and i reluctantly looked over expecting to see Max staring at me. But it was Alex. He was watching me with a smile. A real smile. The first real smile i have seen in months. The look in his eyes was gone. The smile was in his eyes as he watched me admire the bike. I felt insecure for a second. When Alex saw me staring at him his smile vanished and the look was back. My stomach dropped.

"Are we gonna go?" Max broke the stare. He was looking between me and Alex. Alex put his head down.

"Yeah but the lambo isnt gonna fit us all." I said.

he walked over to a car covered in a sheet. He pulled the sheet off revealing a volvo. I sighed and pressed the unlock button. The car beeped and I got in. Max took shot gun and alex got in the back. I started the engnine.

"So where are we going." At first i didnt know but when i saw the way Alex looked at The Eco Spirit I knew.

"Bike range," i said looking in the rearveiw mirror just in time to see Alexs eyes light up. A smile spread to my own face as we drove towards the bike range.


I pulled up to the dirt road and parked the car. I got out and took a deep breath. Thick oxygen filled my lungs as Max and alex trailed behind me towards the camp. I stopped and Waited for them to catch up. Max walked besides me. We heard the yelling and the sounds of engines. I looked up at Alex. He was curiously looking around.

We were walkin up the inclimb. I felt there curiosity grow with every passing second. Then we reached the top. I paused and took in a breath. You could see everything from up here. I saw the motercyles in the air and all the laughing cheering people by the fires. There were tents up over the fires to protect them from the rain. I looked over to alex. His cheeks werer red and the same smile i had seen earlier was there. He studied every surrounding. The same way i did the first time i had seen this place.

"Where are we?" Max was beside me. His whisper sent chills down my spine and i smiled.

"Follow me and youll find out." I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the steep hill laughing.

A/N Max is portrayed by Evan Peters 

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