Chapter 33: Rooftop things

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Katniss' POV:

"How about we play truth or dare?" his deep voice pierced my thoughts. I was about to yell out a big fat no, but then I stopped. What do I have to loose? This may be my only opportunity to actually get to know the brute from 2 that I so openly despise. If I'm going to hate him at least I have to know what I'm hating. Judging him without knowing shit about him seems like a dick move. Honestly, it sounds exactly like something that he'd do. That's exactly why I won't. I'm not like him.
But I am SO NOT DOWN for truth or dare. He can dare me to do all sorts of things and the only one that I'd be down for is to punch him in the jaw. 

"How about 21 questions?" I asked and he chuckled. 

"You're such a risk-take, aren't you?" he laughed sarcastically and I rolled my eyes so hard that I felt like my head span along with my eyeballs. He opened his mouth as if to begin, but I interrupted him, "Ladies first" Cato snickered and then raised his hands in the air, backing off. 
Ugh, what am I supposed to ask him?
"What's your favourite color?" I began calmly only to find out Cato burst into laughter. Ugh this audacity of this guy. He should be happy I even decided to stay and play his stupid games.

"Red," his face suddenly took a serious look, "like blood" he whispered dangerously and I couldn't help, but let a wave of fear wash through me. 
"Or cherries" he suddenly chuckled and I sighed loudly. UGH THIS GUY. 

"Your turn" I stated, pressing two fingers on my forehead. I'm beginning to seriously doubt my decision to play along.

"Are you a virgin?" he shot. DAMN. THAT WAS QUICK. Going from favourite colors to lovers now aren't we? I felt my cheeks heat up like crazy. There was no point to even try to lie. 

"Yep" I looked away, very aware that my face had become the very color of cherries or Cato's blood. Cato kept silent for a bit and the uneasiness forced me to look into his eyes. He proceeded to look me up and down very slowly and then murmured loudly enough for me to hear him.

"It sure don't look like it" 

Another wave of heat overwhelmed me and I hurried to look away. Deep breaths Katniss, deep breaths.

"Okay um, my turn" I coughed and Cato laughed at how uncomfortable I was. Oh so we're going to play dirty huh? 
"What are those scars all over your body?" I questioned and in a fraction of a second Cato's smile faded and he frowned.

"Training" he spat. Something kept telling me that he was lying. If it was from training he'd be proud of it, he'd show it off. 

"How did you learn to shoot like that?" Cato asked before I had the chance to ask more about the mysterious history of his scars.

"Back in my district I'd go in the forest and hunt to provide my family with food" I answered bluntly. Why hide anything? In a few days he'll either be too dead to tell anyone or I'll be too dead to care. 

"How many years have you trained?" I have to seize the competition after all.

"Mmm 10? Give or take a few" Oh damn, that's quite a lot. 

"Why did you volunteer? I mean, your district hasn't had a volunteer since," he paused as if digging in his memory, "since forever"

"My little sister was reaped," I responded darkly, "I couldn't stand and watch her get dragged off to certain death" Cato looked down and nodded slightly in agreement.
"How about you? Brothers, sisters?"

"Oh yeah, 2 sisters and 3- nevermind- 2 brothers" Cato rushed to answer. I raised an eyebrow and he looked away.

"Yeah, one died 2 years ago. I still haven't gotten used to saying that I have only 2 brothers..." Cato mumbled, buried in thoughts. I kept quiet, not knowing how to answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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