Chapter 24: The victors of the tournament

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Cato's POV:

"You climb this tree right there and you'll attack them from behind and I, from the front. We'll surprise them." I tell Flame, gripping the ax in my right hand tighter. She nodded and immediately went off, circling around our two opponents aiming at a tall tree behind them.

Flame was carrying a simple dagger, but it was enough for her. We had spotted our last competition. A guy with silver hair, which I found well too convening as they will be finishing in second place. Silver? Second? Get it? 

The fuck am I doing.

Anyways, the silver-haired guy, that both Flame and I agreed to call "Second", was accompanied by a small, sly looking redhead. She was quite small which led me to believe that she was a younger tribute, however, her feisty emerald green eyes screamed fire and vengeance. 

Second was carrying a spear, but oddly he was gripping it properly and seemed to actually be able to handle it to some extent. I haven't seen him fight yet, but I could tell from the way he stood, held and behaved with the spear, that he wasn't new to it. 

Oh well, could that be Marvel? I hope not. But again, the possibility was high since this was the final round.

The ginger girl earned her herself the name of "Foxface", a suggestion from Flame's side, which I went along with. Her long, wavy red hair reminded me of the tail of a fox thus the nickname. 

She was carrying 2 throwing knives and a relatively small sword. I hope Second and Foxface weren't able to handle these weapons. But after all, they're not at the finals for nothing.

As I finished this last thought, I caught a glimpse of Flame on a tree behind our two opponents. Wow, she climbed that pretty fast didn't she? I was ready to give her the signal.

"1...2..." I mouth and she just looks at me, eyes narrowed. However as I was about to say 3, her ocean eyes widened. I look in the direction she was looking in and my eyes widen as well, while a small smile appears on my face.

Between the emerald leaves of a tall tree, a metal was glittering. It was a large silver bow. I turned back to blondie, about to make a head gesture for her to go get it, but when I turn to the spot she was hiding at, I realized that she wasn't there anymore. She must've gone for the bow quickly.

Another weapon for team "Flareas". Flame and Boreas? No, okay then. 

Cato you're acting really weird are you sure you're fucking okay? That Flame girl is making you weird like her. And handsome like her. Nah, you're normally handsome.

A few blinks later, I spotted blondie again, hidden behind the thick leaves of a maple tree, a silver bow in hand. I grinned. She was quick, wasn't she? I think this is Clove and that's just amazing because she can handle sorts the weapons perfectly. If she knows how to handle that bow, it will mean that my partner was indeed Clove.

Okay on the count of three. I turn to Flame. 

"1" she mouths as if reading my thoughts.

"2" I respond letting a slight smirk curve on the side of my lip. 

"3" we mouth together and with that Flame's first arrow flies and sinks into Foxface's left shoulder. 

She lets a growl of pain and quickly removes the cold metal from her shoulder, scanning around for her assailant. 

By that time I was already sprinting towards Second, ready to swing my ax. 

He didn't see me coming, but when I was a few meters from him he heard me and quickly turned around. He was quite tall, almost as tall as me. 

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