Chapter 32: Expensive things glimmer

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Glimmer's POV:

My palms began to sweat as I saw my face appear on the screen.

"Glimmer with a score of 8!" Caesar announced.

An 8? AN 8?! How did that happen?! I was predicted a 10! How did I get an 8? I did a bit of hand to hand combat against and few dummies and shot a few arrows.

Okay, now that I think about it...

I didn't perform very well.

I mean, I knew basic fighting techniques that I had picked up from watching the rest of the careers and the trainers. I showed those against a few dummies but in comparison to Cato and Clove that would've been nothing. 

I shot too.

Not much, but I did something.

I got one bullseye, a few close-to-the-bullseye arrows and the others just landed on the target. I missed twice too though. 

Actually, when I think about it, an 8 is pretty generous. I mean, I did flirt and wink a bit at some of the game makers. But oh well... am I feeling guilty? Nah.

I was lucky that I actually managed to get that 8. It's the lowest score from all of the careers though, the same as Mira, district 4's female tribute.

But I went down the ranks! I was 2nd! And now I'm 4th...

Ugh, my chances are getting worse and worse with each day.

My winking image faded away and was soon replaced by Marvel's still face.

"Marvel with a score of 9!" Caesar yelled again.

I glanced at Marvel and saw his expression change in a matter of seconds. It went through being stressed and concerned to amazed and proud. At least one of us was happy with their score.

Clapping from the mentors and our escort followed. 

"Great job Marvel," Cashmere began, raising a glass in our direction, "and Glimmer" she quickly added and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her.  

"Clove with a score of 10!" Caesar shouted again and my mentors' attention turned back to the screen. I saw them both frown at the same time. They knew that the tributes from 2 were stronger than us. That means that we, or at least I, need to be stronger when it came to mind games. 

"Cato with a score of 10!" Caesar announced. Well, it was expected that he was going to do very well. I even thought he would get an eleven, more than Clove. But guess not. 

I glanced at Gloss and saw him glaring at Cato's smirking image on the screen. I could see something different in his eyes though... fire? Flames of dislike? Disgust? I'm not exactly sure what I saw as Gloss quickly looked away as soon as the image disappeared from the screen. 

Everything was uneventful. All districts received relatively low scores, nothing in comparison to ours. Everyone around however kept their attention to the screen because they knew that district 12 had tributes with potential this year. I was also curious. What was the Seam rat's score? Not higher than mine. 

I hope.

"Thresh, with a score of 9!" Caesar's voice boomed. 9?! That's quite high. As good as Marvel and better than Mira and I. I recognized him as the guy with the stocky built that the rest of the careers labeled as a threat. He hadn't committed the same mistake that Everdeen did and didn't reveal any of his strengths. He stuck to the survival stations only. With his high score, however, I think we will offer him to join the career pack. But those are only my assumptions. I mean, it's all up to Cato anyways.

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