Chapter 3: Last goodbye

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Katniss' POV:

A goodbye. That's all I have left. I don't even realize what's happening. This must be a dream, that's why everything around me seems so blurry and my head is spinning. No Katniss, you can't black out. You have to look strong. Peacekeepers lead us to the Justice building for us to say our goodbyes. I wonder, how was the boy with bread doing? What was he thinking about? Was he as lost as me? Was he already planning how and when to kill me? Does he even know who I am? And then my head begins to hurt again so I decide not to think about him. The time I realize where I am, Prim and my mom come to me. I reach out to Prim and she climbs on my lap, her arms around my neck, head on my shoulder, just like she did when she was a toddler. My mother sits beside me and wraps her arms around us. For a few minutes, we say nothing. We just stand there in silence. Then I start telling them all the things they must remember to do, now that I will not be there to do them for them.

I don't bother suggesting Prim to learn to hunt. I tried to teach her a couple of times and it was disastrous. The woods terrified her, and whenever I shot something, she'd get teary and talk about how we might be able to heal it if we got it home soon enough. She's got my mother's blood, while I have my father's. Prim's a healer though. Something I could never be. I may be able to kill animals without it bothering me, but when Prim and mom treat a patient in a bad condition I just can't help, but look away. I don't know how Prim can do that.

When I am done with instructions about fuel, and trading, and staying in school, I turn to my mother and grip her arm, hard.

"Listen to me. Are you listening to me?" She nods, alarmed by my intensity. She must know what's coming. "You can't leave again," I say. My mother's eyes find the floor.

"I know. I won't. I couldn't help what—" she started.

"Well, you have to help it this time," I cut her off. "You can't clock out and leave Prim on her own. There's no me now to keep you both alive. It doesn't matter what happens. Whatever you see on the screen. You have to promise me you'll fight through it!" My voice has risen to a shout. In it is all the anger, all the fear I felt at her abandonment. She pulls her arm from my grasp, moved to anger herself now.

"I was ill. I could have treated myself if I'd had the medicine that I have now." she responded and I felt slightly relieved.

"We'll be okay Katniss!" said Prim giving me a mockingjay pin. I had a deep connection with those birds because of my father. I looked into her eyes and hugged her one last time as I saw a peacekeeper coming through the door knowing that my time with my family was up. "Promise to try to win!" she shouted as the peacekeeper said that it's time for them to leave. "Katniss, you know how to hunt! Maybe you can win!" she starts shouting as the peacekeeper begins dragging her away. "Please Katniss promise me that you will try to win! PROMISE ME!" she had started crying by that point.

"I promise, I will try!" I shout back and before the door can shut behind the only people that I love, I whispered "Goodbye my little duck."

Gale came next. He's probably the only other person that really knows me or cares about me. Unlike Prim and my mother, he drops the feelings aside and begins giving me advice on how to survive.

"You must get to a bow" he starts, but I cut him.

"They don't always have a bow"

"Then you make one" he continued urging me. "Katniss, you're stronger than they are, you've had real life practice and you know how to hunt."

"Not people" I reply coldly because I know it's true

"Doesn't matter, it can't be much different" he says persuasively and I can't help, but nod. The peacekeeper comes in. I rush to hug Gale and tell him not to let Prim starve. And the door closes behind him.

That's it. I've said my last goodbyes. I will never see the people I love again. Ever.


Hello hello! Here's another chapter. This chapter still follows the book with some small changes by me 😅. If you don't like it, well sorry about that. And If you're not a fan of catoniss just don't read and don't hate. I'm thinking of doing a Cato's POV to see what the reaping is like for him. What do you think? 🤔

💋I will try to update regularly! 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my third chapter!😻

🤩Comment what you think and how I can improve it! I'm open to your ideas!🤩

😶And my last goodbye!😶

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