Chapter 25: Winning

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Cato's POV:

A loud DONG pierced the silence and we all looked up, the clock striking 12 o'clock. 

I hurried to look back at Flame when I realized her entire appearance was changing. Mine was probably too, but I was too focused on what was happening to my partner to even pay attention to myself. 

First, her blond hair began to slowly get darker and darker and so did her deep blue eyes, until in front of me was standing...



My eyes were widened and I was breathless. My partner, the one I have picked was Everdeen?! The girl I called pretty, who's laugh I enjoyed was Everdeen?! The one with who I laughed, the one I said resembled me!
Everybody will be so ashamed of me! I let a Seam rat from 12 win the competition! Careers were supposed to win it!

I can't believe the girl that I actually thought was nice actually turned out to be... Seam rat!

I involuntarily gasped, all of the memories of my actions coming back to me. 

When I looked at her eyes again though, I noticed that she wasn't as surprised as I was.

"YOU!" I yelled, mixed emotions filling my thoughts. Anger, surprise, disgust, curiousness. 

"I told you my name is Katniss at least 100 times didn't I?" she simply replied with a sassy eye roll. How didn't I see it?! It was so obvious it was her all along! The shooting, the sassiness! Cato, you are so stupid!

"IT WAS YOU!" I continued to yell not sure why I was stating this when it was obvious, but I just didn't know what to say.

"No shit Sherlock," she said again with the same sassy tone, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I WAS PARTNERS WITH YOU?!" I continued disgusted. I suddenly realized that no tributes were saying anything and their focus was entirely on me. I caught a glimpse of President Snow, a smile creeping on his lips.

"Don't worry pretty boy, I didn't ask for this either," she replied with an annoyed grimace. I was just about to yell an insult at the Seam rat when reality came like a slap in the face. CATO. YOUR. PLAN. 
My plan! I had totally forgotten about it. Just when I was about to think about some dumb way to get out of this situation, Everdeen's words caught up to me. 
"I didn't ask for this either" Ummm excuse me? How could you possibly not ask for being partners with me? ME?! 
Everdeen is such a weird creature. I mean how could she not fall for my charms? I mean nothing personal, but she's not the prettiest girl that I've met. I've already had all of those. Then why the fuck can't I get her? 

"What do you mean?" I managed to let out cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh well sorry to break it to ya, but you don't have the most pleasant company babe" after those words, a burst of laughter broke the silence. I quickly turned around to see where it was coming from. Clove. Oh, not you too. I realized she was standing next to a tall, green-eyed boy: Marvel. I guess they had probably been partners and our last opponents. We beat them at least. I glared at the short brunette and then smirked, my eyes reminding her that she had lost and her smile disappeared while her eyes returned daggers. However, Everdeen's words rang in my ears. What do you mean?! My company? Not enjoyable? Please.

I have no idea how to act because I have to follow my plan: making Everdeen fall for me, but at the same time we were in front of many people and pretending to have a crush on Seam rat from 12 in front of others wasn't what I really wanted. 

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