Chapter 19: The one to kill her

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Cato's POV:

I know she feels uncomfortable and I love it. I'm trying to teach her how to handle a sword and god, it's a disaster. I move her hand, the one that's holding the sword one more time as if striking. My other hand is around her waist and I can feel she's fighting to keep still. I smile.

Okay, the way I started my plan wasn't the... best way to approach the girl on fire. So I'm going to try to gain her trust first. Teaching her how to handle a sword might just bring me that. Am I afraid she will be able to use it against me? Please, she can barely lift it. 

To be honest, I never planned on teaching her how to handle a sword! I thought I would beat her at that little competition! I have no idea how I lost to some seam rat from 12! Ugh, I swear if she ever dares do mention it to anyone, I will rip her head off her shoulders. But for now, I'm holding her waist and smiling gently.

Suddenly, I hear the door open brutally. I roll my eyes. Somebody always has to interrupt me! I can't even have one fucking calm morning! I mean as calm as it can be, considering that Everdeen kneed me, bit me, shot me and did other things to me that I didn't even keep track of anymore.

I turn around to face the person that was going to regret ever stepping a foot in the training center. My eyes widen as I realise that Clove is standing a few meters from me, holding a knife in her hand. And from the enraged look in her eyes, I can tell that Everdeen is going to have a hard time coming out alive from the bloodbath, not to mention the arena. 

"Hi Clove, fancy seeing you here." I joke. She shoots me a glare. If looks could kill, I would be lying on the floor with a pool of blood around me by now. 

"Shut up" she says harshly and dangerously. Damn she really scares me when she's like that. What scares me even more is that I know she's slightly mental and not always in control of her actions. She turns back to Everdeen narrowing her eyes. Everdeen. Don't. Move. If you enjoy being alive.

"Are we going to have a starring competition or what?" Everdeen suddenly says rolling her eyes. I mentally slap my forehead. That girl really wants herself dead. 

However Clove seems taken aback by Everdeen's words. She lowers her knife a bit. Not enough for me to say that Everdeen's safe though. 

"Shut up 12. I'm not talking to you." she spits. Then she turns to me.

"You." she hisses.

"You too." I grin, but she continues to shoot me death glares. After a few seconds of Clove starring right into my blue eyes and I, into her black ones, Everdeen decides to break the silence. Again.

"Wow, I guess you've found another person to have a starring competition with. I must say my feelings are a bit hurt." Everdeen jokes again. Shut. Your. Damn mouth if you want to continue to breathe. 

Clove brings her attention back to Everdeen, narrowing her dark, almost black eyes.

"You think you're funny Girl on Fire?" Clove asks venomously. Everdeen cringes at the surname, but quickly shakes it off.

"Yeah, a little bit." she says shrugging. That's it. I give up. She's trying really hard to die right now.

Clove narrows her eyes at 12 as if trying to see through them. She stares at 12 for a few seconds, trying to understand her. But just like me, she fails. 

And suddenly, when I thought that Everdeen will take her very last breath, something unexpected happens.

Clove smiles.

"You got some spunk 12, I'm gonna give it to you." she says smirking slightly. I let out a sigh. Okay, I won't have to explain to the whole of Panem why district 12 was found dead in the training center at 7 o'clock. 

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