27 | first date planning

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"Try this one," Rene came with a red shirt jumpsuit in her hands. It was fluffy and long sleeved with a really deep neck.

It was beautiful though. So, I went back into the changing stall and put it on.

I, Nisa, Keira and Rene decided to go out and stock up our closet for the Christmas. Apparently, Keira and Rene were coworkers in SixS so they already knew each other.

I, Nisa and Rene already hung out before, so they already knew each other.

I looked up in the mirror at my reflection and damn. I'd marry me. I swear to God.

"I'm in love with this one," I said as I opened the door to show Nisa and Rene. Keira went to try on a dress.

"You say that every single time you try on something and looks good on you," Nisa snorted. But I could see the approval in her eyes.

"Damn girl, you look hot," Rene whistled looking me up and down.

"Thanks," I laughed shaking my head at her words.

"You definitely should wear it tonight," Rene suggested

"I already have an outfit for tonight, but this one is a nice choice too," I said looking myself in the mirror, "I'm just going to get all the cut and sexy outfits I can because I won't be doing any shopping the rest of the month,"

"You sure do have a lot of clothes, Nia," Keira piped, giving me that look that said I am wasting my money on clothes. But she's a fashion designer herself, she gets it.

"And they are not enough," I pouted playfully

"A girl can never have enough clothes," Nisa said coming out of the stall with a blue dress in her hand

"And lingerie," I finished her sentence.

"Damn right," Rene laughed, "Even though me being in the most hideous underwear would be sexy to Kai, I can never have enough underwear. Or lingerie. Or loungewear for that matter,"

"I know right?" I agreed, "Levi always says that I have the whole lingerie store in my closet,"

"He's definitely not complaining, though," Kiera said raising her brows

"Don't give me that look," I huffed looking at her, "We haven't tumbled yet,"

"What?" Nisa gasped, looking at me with wide eyes.

"No way..." Rene drawled

"You can't be serious," Keira huffed

"Who are you?" Nisa asked placing the back of her hand on my forehead checking if I was alright. That earned her an annoyed look from me. Like, really, twin, you should know better.

"It's not like we don't want to, it's just we haven't got the right opportunity," I said

"What do you mean? You guys practically spend every night together," Nisa said

"Exactly. And you both are so affectionate and open in public that there was no doubt about it. And what about thanksgiving? You guys were practically all over each other! You nearly got Cheryl's head off!" Rene exclaimed. Her eyes wide.

I sighed. "It's a long story,"

"Well, we have time," Keira put her hands on her hips.

"I and Levi has a rocky start. We were friends first. But we both were—are—attracted to each other. We flirted a lot. Like, a lot," I said, a soft smile dancing on my lips

"When we are together, we have no filter. Like, we can say anything to each other. Hell, he basically called me fat the second day of the school because I was on my third cup of ice cream," I laughed at the memory. It seems so long time ago, but it was only four months ago.

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