20 | christmas plans

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"I swear it was Iris!" Rene exclaimed, pointing at her.

"What?!" She said her eyes wide, "Don't look at me like that! It was Nia!" She pointed at me.

I gulped and gave Ross my best innocent smile. I didn't want to deal with an angry Ross. "I swear it wasn't me," I backed away a little, "It was—"

"You know what?" She said. taking a couple of eggs in her hands, "I'm so pissed that you girls left me out," she glared, "Pay for it, bitches," she said, raising her hands

My eyes widened as I saw she was about to throw eggs on us, I ducked right before one egg hit the counter.

"No one starts a food fight without me," she said as she threw an egg that landed on Rene, soaking her hair that was already covered with flour.

"No," She gasped, "You didn't just do that, mom," She grabbed a carton of milk and poured it in a glass and splashed it on her. Ross moved right at the moment, and it landed on Arianna.


"Seriously, Rene?" She gasped, wiping her face, "Milk? This is how to be creative. Watch and learn," she said, flipping her hair dramatically as she grabbed an orange and peeled it and threw right at Rene's face before she could even react.

"An orange?! Real creative, Arianna," Rene muttered.

I felt a cold sticky liquid run down my face.

"You looked bored," Ross shrugged, holding the jug of cold chocolate.

"You look quite clean, yourself," I said, snatching the jug from her hands and poured it over her.

"You guys seriously can't be playing without me," Adelina exclaimed and looked at Ross, "You too, Rose? I thought we were a team,"

"Sorry, wifey, fun comes first," Ross winked at her

"Fun with me comes first, wifey," Adelina glared at her playfully, "Game on, girls," she said as she too dived into the food fight.

We all were laughing and throwing at each other whatever our hands grasped. From eggs to flour to milk to juices to fruits and vegetables. Everything. You get my point.

We were soaked when we left the basement, so we all decided to have a shower first and then dive into the kitchen to make food.

I had showered quickly, dumping my wet clothes into the laundry bucket, then threw on a pair of loose shorts and stole one of Levi's large tee shirts. Apparently, he packed an extra, knowing I would be wearing more of his clothes than mine. Can't complain, though.

There was only Iris when I had entered the kitchen. She was eating cherries brainstorming the ideas to make some healthy and delicious lunch that everyone would like. Even though I didn't know anyone's preferences, I knew Levi's so I sat beside her and kept telling her the names of dishes and fusions as I popped cherries in my mouth.

Then Rene came, who suggested that instead of making one single dish, we make a couple of dishes and everyone could eat whatever they wanted.

I can't remember how it started or who started it, but as we were preparing to cook side by side, it led us to where we were now. I don't know how it went from trying to keep everything neat and clean to a real messy food fight between all us ladies.

Arianna threw an egg that landed straight on my forehead, and I gasped. "I swear if that leaves a bruise on my forehead, that'll be totally on you,"

But merely wiped my face and grabbed an egg and laughed as I threw it back on her. It safely landed on her shoulder, cracked, and there the pulp trickled down her arm.

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