15 | contagious ;)

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"Take care of my sister, Levi," Tony said for the millionth time, "Don't let her—"

"Play too much in snow, she catches cold easily," Levi cut him off mid-sentence, "I won't her eat too spicy, her skin is sensitive. I will make sure she has a good night of sleep. I know, Tony," He said meeting Tony's eyes, "I will make sure she's comfortable,"

"Thank you," Tony sighed

"She's my person too. And I care about her. You don't have to thank me for doing something that comes out as an instinct," Levi grumbled

"I'm glad to hear that," Tony smiled softly, "She's my baby, you know. She may seem hard and rude sometimes, but she is very sensitive,"

"I know," Levi said, throwing a small glance at my direction, "I know that very well now. You don't have to worry when she's with me,"

"Stop talking like I'm not here. And for the record, I don't need a guy to take care of me, I can take care of myself," I snarled at Tony making him and Levi both chuckle.

"We should get going," Levi said, grabbing my hand but didn't move.

"Give her my message. And don't forget to take your vitamins. Don't mess with mom and make sure dad has everything he needs," I said softly, looking at Tony before throwing myself at him, squeezing the life out of him.

"Love you too, baby sis," Tony murmured in my hair before pulling away. "Take care," he kissed my brow.


The forty-five minutes reduced to thirty-minute drive to Tarrytown was very informative. Levi went through each and every person who is going to come.

Harvey and Iris. Apart from doing business with his parents, they are their best friends who have stuck together since high school. I know them, of course, they are very well known. Harvey Costa is the co-owner of Wanderlust and the creator of Revv It. Iris costa, one of the top designers of the country. They have an eleven-year-old daughter, Leora, and a seven-year-old son, Hawkins.

Ross Gomez Costa, Harvey's sister, and her wife, Adelina Gomez Costa. They are married for twelve years, and they have a son and a daughter of our age. Sergio Gomez, Adelina's biological son, and Rene Gomez Costa, whom they adopted.

Daniella Costa Ricci is Harvey and Ross's mother, and according to Levi, she is the coolest grandma ever. Apparently, I'll see it when I meet her.

Dana and Preston Fletcher, Levi's grandparents, are cool and all, but Levi says they don't like him and Sven that much. They were angry at Levi's parents for adopting him and Sven, they didn't put out until they received the news of the twins. Levi acts nonchalant about it saying that it's his parents that matter the most, but I can see that it bothers him. His clipped tone is an indication enough while talking about them.

Hema and Derek Fletcher are his 'granduncles' and literally his grandparents' siblings. Hema and Dana are sisters, and Preston and Derek are brothers. Talk about the weirdness.

Patrick Fletcher is Levi's mom's cousin whom she considers more than a brother, but they aren't on pleasant terms since he knocked up, Candy Roland, the woman who has issues with Levi's mom since they were in High School. His parents aren't happy with their daughter in law either, but they are just happy to have a grandchild. His daughter, Cheryl, is a year younger than us and has a crush on Levi.

God save me if I snap and explode.

I shake my head and divert my attention out of the window. I've never been to Tarrytown. And when we entered the town, I was struck with its beauty.

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