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"Why were you out walking down the street this late?" Levi asked out of nowhere, "Don't you know how dangerous Hudson Square can be at night?"

"Just had a lot in my mind. Wanted some fresh air," I replied as I took finished the tub to put it back in the paper bag and placed it in the back seat, "Besides, I can take care of myself just fine,"

"I know you can," he said hardly, "But it's called taking safety precautions, Nia. Even if you can handle one guy easily, two if you don't panic, you can't handle a whole bunch of full-grown men,"

Why do you have to be right?

"I know," I sighed leaning my head back on the seat, "I just needed some air, okay? Besides, it's no big deal."

"No big deal?" He repeated slowly, "You of all people should know that it's a pretty big deal, Nia," He snapped slamming his fist on the steering, "If you wanted to get some air, take a fucking car next time,"

I stared at him. I know he cared for me and he said it for me. But he was scary when he snapped. He didn't scare me, but I was scared for him. If what Tony said was right about him, then if he lost his shit now, I don't think he would feel good when he'd calm down.

Now I get why Dayna and Celine are always so closed off when Levi is around. He looked scary. Ready to pummel someone.

"I will take a car next time, okay?" I said softly when I saw his face soften, I smirked, "Or maybe I could just call you. Me plus you is cool, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah?" He raised his brows at me

"Yeah," I smiled,

I saw his lips twitch in a small smile. Then he checked the time and asked, "It's getting late, do you want me to drop you home?"

I got nervous at the thought of facing Tony again after what happened today. I was not ready to see that disappointment on his face. It was more than enough that his pained face is glued to my mind.

"I—" I couldn't say it. I couldn't say that I didn't want to go home yet. That I still wanted to be out with him and ignore every other thing, ignore all my problems, and stay in this bubble.

"I'll call Tony and tell him that you're with me," Levi said

I looked at him surprised. I don't know how he knew or how he figured it out, but I couldn't be more grateful o him for that.

Somehow he always seemed to know what I was going to say or what I was feeling. How? I have no clue. But I was grateful most of the time because that meant I didn't have to say it.

Levi's house was quiet, of course,  everyone was sleeping at midnight. But then, I heard footsteps descending the stairs. Suddenly the lights turned on making me jump a little and grab Levi's arm.

"Dude that gave me a heart attack," I breathed putting my hand on my chest.

"And you are?" A man, maybe in his thirties, asked from the bottom of the staircase. He was just wearing sweatpants, his tattooed sleeve, and bare torso on display as he observed the scene in front of him with his striking grey eyes.

"Dad, this is Nia. Nia, meet my dad," Levi introduced us, his hand still burning holes in my lower back.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," I said smiling a little.

"Oh, come on, you make me feel old. Call me Archer," he waved off and met Levi's eyes raising his eyebrows at the silent question.

"No questions, Dad," Levi said and his father's face broke into a full-blown smile that I'm sure many ladies die for, "What are you doing up this late? Everything alright?"

Frost and Fire (+18) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now