You Get In A Fight

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You were at the mall with your friends, just getting out of Chanel to go to the next store you guys are interested in. You were talking about the upcoming football game when you suddenly stop to hear someone talking about your sister.

"Ariana Grande is such a stuck up little bitch. Gosh, her voice is annoying, her songs are annoying and even the way she looks is annoying."

The girl said and her friends simply nodded. Of course, it was your average blonde haired, blue eyed, won every prom, daddy's money, selfish, stuck up brat that everyone had at their school.

You were about to suck it up and keep walking with your friends when she suddenly brought you into the conversation.

"Her sister is even worse. All she does is use Ariana's money for a bunch of shit she doesn't need. I bet if Ariana wasn't even here she would be on the streets asking for spare change."

'Thats it.' You thought to yourself. You were about to walk to the girl when one of your friends stopped you. "Y/N just let it be. She didn't actually mean it." Your friend said, trying to stop you from doing something you would sooner or later regret.

"Yes she did! It obvious that she wasn't lying!" You yell and get out of her grip. You walk up to the girl and push her, causing her to gasp loudly and spill her drink all over herself.

"Ha! Who's the bitch now?!" You laugh. The girl slowly stands up and spins around to see the face of you. Her eyes widen but then narrow in revenge and fiery.

She throws the rest of her drink at you then pounces in top of you, repeatedly hitting you. Once she slows down her punches, you flip her over and repeatedly punch her until you see red appearing on your fist.

"ENOUGH!" A mall cop yells and drags you off of her. You try to get out of their grip, but they're too strong. "Don't you ever talk about me or my sister like that again.

My sister is a huge inspiration and hero to almost the whole world! She is far from a bitch. And the money I get is the money I make! I would never take my sisters money for my needs unless it's something serious!" You yell out.

"Alright, that's enough. I'm gonna have to put you in jail for the night unless someone nails you out early." The mall cop explains. You finally give in and stop fighting with the cop, not wanting to get in more trouble than you already were in.


That night, Ariana came to pick you up from the malls jail and brought you to her house with no words whatsoever. The silence between the two of you made you nervous.

"I am highly upset with you, Y/n." Ariana said, not taking her eyes off the road. "It was by reflex-"

"I don't care, Y/n. You got yourself kicked out the mall and now the video of you fighting some blonde bitch is going to be all over the internet." Ariana said, her voice filled with annoyance.

"I'm sorry." You whisper, playing with your fingernails. "I forgive you, but only because you fought someone for me. I love you, but next time, be more careful, okay?" You nod and kiss your sisters cheek.

(A/N: ngl, I got a little in my feels-)

𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞 (𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫) 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now