Different (Requested)

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(Requested by Kayelyn2118 )

Being adopted was hard and terrifying for Y/n. The poor 5 year old girl was sensitive and small, so it was easy to pick on her. Since she was adopted, you could really tell the difference between her and her family by their skin colors which made it even easier for someone to pick on her.

Y/n has always had a bad time at school for what she was. The kids would tease her, push her, say she wasn't worth anything; you would be surprised by how much 5 and 6 year olds know.

As soon as Y/n got home with Joan, she went upstairs and to her older sisters room. As soon as she opened the door and got inside, she started crying. Ariana gasped and got out of bed to go pick up Y/n.

"Baby bear, whats wrong?" Ariana asked as she tried to shush Y/n. "B-b-bullies!!" Y/n cried out. Ariana tensed up at the mention of bullies. Y/n was small and sensitive and bullies did not go good with soft and sensitive people.

"Oh, my poor baby bear. What do they say to you?" Ariana asked as she moved to her bed, Y/n still present in her arms. "T-they say mean stuff like w-worthwess and- and they push me!" Y/n cried. Ariana knew that Y/n didn't know what worthless meant, but she knew that Y/n meant it was bad.

"Baby bear, you're anything BUT worthless! You're the most worthy person ever! You deserve all the love in the world, and if they don't think that, they they're the ones who are worthless cu- people." Ariana caught herself before she could teach Y/n a new word that her mom wouldn't approve of.

"R-Really?" Y/n asked, looking up at Ariana with glossy eyes and Ariana nodded her head. She brought Y/n into a hug and kissed her forehead. They decided to watch We Bare Bears until Y/n settled down for a nap. During that time of napping, Ariana decided to plan her plot against the kids of Y/n's school.

Ariana got super protective of Y/n. She didn't deserve to be treated differently because she was made differently. She was being honest when she said that Y/n deserved all the love in the world, because she does! When you really get to meet Y/n, she's the nicest person you would probably meet in the world; never has been ungrateful for anything. She could never tease someone because she would feel bad, she was as small as a mouse and she was as cute as a button.

And it wouldn't be right if such a nice, sweet girl, was the one getting hurt.

The next day, Ariana was the one taking Y/n to school. She looked as if she wasn't playing games. As soon as she walked into Y/n's classroom, she heard laughter coming from the kids. The kids there were pointing and laughing at Y/n next to her sister. Next to her sister, that wasn't a good idea.

Ariana clenched her fist and looked at the teacher who wasn't doing shut about the kids laughing. Ariana tried to calm down, but she couldn't. She gently patted Y/n's back and told her to sit in her seat while she talked to the teacher.

"Hi, I'm Ariana, Y/n's older sister? May I talk to you?" The teacher looked at Y/n then at Ariana and tried to find the resemblance, but found none. "Are you sure you're her sister? There's no sign of resemblance between you."

"Are you sure that you're an adult? There's no sign of maturity in you."

The teacher rolled her eyes and got up. They went out the classroom and Ariana released her bad energy on the teacher. No one knows for sure what happened to the teacher, but the kids ended up having a substitute that day.

And as for Y/n? Oh, well she switched schools so that she didn't have to be teased for her skin color. They treated her well and fair and like she was a regular student at the school. And that made her, and Ariana happy.

𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞 (𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫) 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now