You Try To Get Rid Of Her Boyfriend.

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(Age: 13)

You walk into Ariana's room to see her getting ready for something. "What're you getting ready for?" You ask, leaning on the door frame. Ariana was slightly startled from your surprise appearance. "I'm having a date." Ariana said cheerfully.

"With whom? I thought you liked being single?" You said, now walking into her room. "With this boy named Roger. And plus, being single gets lonely after some time." You looked at her disappointed. "But you have me.." you said, quite sadly.

"I know, bug, but...some things that I want to do can't involve you because you're too young." You frowned, "but you have Courtney, and Liz, and Matt." It was obvious that you didn't want Ariana to have another boyfriend.

"Yeah...but I can't kiss them." Ariana laughed. "Sure you can! You did it when you were younger! And...and you did it when you were in Victorious." You argued.

"That was when I was younger, Y/n." Ariana turned around and held up two dresses. "Which dress?" You thought for a moment and shrugged, "the ugliest one." You turned around and walked out the door, slamming it behind you.


The doorbell rung, and you herd Ariana running down the stairs to get it. You were guessing it was her boyfriend. You were checking your phone until Ariana called your name.

You ran downstairs and looked at the girl with a attitude. "What?" You ask. "This is Roger. My boyfriend." Roger gave you a small wave. "Wow. Cool. Another one." You said, making Roger give Ariana a confused look.

"Don't listen to her. Anyway...we were wondering if you wanted to have dinner with us. To get to know Roger better." Ariana offered. You gave Roger a crooked smile. "Sure. Let me go get ready."

Once you were ready, you walked down the stairs and went outside to the backyard to see Ariana and Roger sitting at the glass table with food on their plates, including yours."

A few minutes in, you ask Roger some questions. "So Roger," Roger put all his attention on you. "Are you allergic to dogs, or by any chance have a fear of them? Or a pig...are you by any chance allergic to a pig or scared of them?" You asked.

"Oh, uh, no. I actually grew up on a farm." You slowly nodded your head. "Just asking. Ariana has a bunch of dogs, and a pig named Piggy Smallz. Also, if you're from a farm...why don't you have a country accent?"

"Y/n! You can't just ask someone that!" Ariana scolded. "Why? I just want to know." You say, giving Roger a evil smirk. "It's fine. My dad and mom were from the city, my uncle raised me."

Roger shrugged, "I don't know. I was two when I started living with him." You nodded and ate some of your steak. You looked up to see Ariana giving you a intense stare. "Do you go to college, Roger?" Roger shook his head. "Wow. I was thinking at least one of Ariana's mans went to college." Roger gave Ariana the same confused look he gave her earlier.

"Oh! She must've never told you! Yeah, she had like, a bunch of boyfriends. She usually tells her new boyfriends about her exes. You're the first." You said as if it was a award. "Well, I hope I can top all of those exes." Roger smiles.

"I doubt that. She said no one can top Mac. He was my favourite ex of Ariana's. Sadly he died." You wipe a tear from your eye, you actually missed the guy. He made Ariana really happy, and if he didn't die, you knew him and Ariana would've been great friends.

"Oh." Roger shortly replied. "Anyway," you say, rebuilding yourself, "are you vegan? Ariana only eats vegan food." You say, looking straight at Ariana. "No, but I'm willing to change for her." Ariana smiled at Roger, "thank you, baby." You roll your eyes at their moment.

"Disgusting." You mutter. "Did you know Ariana writes music. Yeah, she writes music, and makes lots. Of. Money." You say, looking Roger straight in the eyes. "Sorry, Y/n. But I'm not here for Ariana's money. I'm here for her. Her smiles, her hugs, her kisses, her words, her emotions. Everything. I'm afraid you can't chase me off that easily."

At this point you were furious. Your plan didn't work, and being the spoiled person you were, you wanted it to work. You sigh angrily and get up to go inside. You pull the slide door open and walk in, locking the door behind you.

You flipped off Ariana and walked to your room.

"Y/n! Y/n open the door!" Ariana said banging on the slide door. Roger stopped her and turned her around to look at him. "Don't worry about it. I still have that key you gave me, remember?" Roger
said, holding up the house key Ariana gave him.

"You. Are a legend." Ariana giggled.

𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞 (𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫) 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now