He did not need to know that yet though.

"Okay okay just because I trust you alright?" He asked looking at me as he decreased the distance between us by pulling me further into the bed.

When I was closer to him he started talking.
Was it me or this guy was a big baby couldnt he just talk without holding me into his embrace.

I was not complaining though.

"She explained to me everything Ana. I was honestly shocked and angry when she was done talking I debated if I should hit her or just hire hitmen to do the job but then again I am a man of modesty and a gentleman too. I do not hit women.
She admitted that she convinced Mona to leave me with the help of a few millions and that would cover getting rid of the baby too." He pauses for a moment sighing and I let him.

I did not say anything until he was ready to talk again.
I listened because it was what he needed. Someone to litsen to him.

"She also admitted that she killed your friends to get back at you but it was deeper than that.
She said that she got herself involved in their business and said that it was either them or her in which she killed them first and with money made it look like an accident.
She admitted almost everything even helping Mona fake her death and I just can't understand how deep her hatred really goes for me she really is a monster" he said shaking his head the mane of his tight curls getting in his face.
His hair had grown longer and I did not know why he still did not bother to go and trim it.

So did his beard.

Looking at him I watched as emotions swam in his eyes along with his face.
He did not dare to hide them from me and I loved him even more because of how he could be vulnerable with me.

"And yet she still gave birth to such a beautiful and forgiving soul" I said looking at him and he gave me a tight lipped smile.

Well not really what I expected but then again it was more than what I imagined.

"You shouldn't let her lower your spirit down to her level plus she is definetly giong to jail. You recorded her didnt you?" I asked sheepishly looking at him and he nodded his head making me furrow my brows at him.

How did he even manage to.

When i asked him that he told me not to worry about it because he had his ways just the same way i had my ways getting information from Mona so i assumed that he got someone to install it somewhere.

Shaking my head at him I left his room because we needed to make diner and none of us were in the mood to meaning that we were defined going to order out or just microwave left overs even though we rarely had food left.

I was against that.

"Chinese or pizza?" I asked looking at him over my shoulder making sure i made eye contact with him so that I i could stare at his soul.
He did not answer immediately instead he stared right back umoving.

Giving him a small smile I waited for him to answer and when he got the memo that he was staring he shook his head with a smile then said pizza.

"I had a feeling that you were going to answer that but we need more healthy food since its in the middle of the week so we are getting healthy food" I said looking at him and he chuckled.

"Oh and what will that be?" He asked looking at me a brow raised as he mached my smile with his.

"Im driving then baby" I said walking out of the room to go change into something that would allow me to actually step out without looking half dead.

"Ofcourse my lady" he said finally standing up probably going out to search for something to wear on top since he was already in his trousers shirtless.

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