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INSIDE MY OLD room where I spent my teenage years, I spent my time thinking about the future I have no idea. Inside this room, I made an idea of what I aspire to be despite all other's will for me. This room was where I would shed a tear every year of my birthday.

       I just came it in the shower and wrapped around me is a silver linen robe Morpheus gifted.

       Twenty-third of August, the year 2012, midnight. It's my birthday and I'm in tears—different kinds of tears than the past birthdays I had. Droplets of tears consist of joy and contentment.

       Midnight and I'm still wide awake and today is my wedding day and my twenty-sixth birthday. Will be writing a letter for my loving Morpheus. I wonder what he's doing as of now? Is he sleep now or still up and maybe writing a letter for me as well, thinking about his wedding vows for later?

       I smile. As much as I want to call him, I couldn't. I can feel that Morpheus' controlling himself over calling me right now to talk or even see each other personally. I can imagine him limiting himself into doing that. Usual Morpheus who couldn't limit himself when it comes to me but let's see if he could succeed today. 

       I'm not the type to write everything but what will happen today is magical that it should be written. It's a miss if I wouldn't write about him. This is the first time I'll ever write a letter, truly deep inside my heart and it's for Morpheus that made my heart thump thinking about how special he is to me and will remain forever be. I'll also write one for myself and keep it with me until I open it sometime in the future to look back on this special day.

       Looking back at the past to this moment, I'm sure that the teenage version of me is happy with what I have become.

       Do I feel any nervousness about the special event that will happen today? A bit but for the unexpected circumstances that will happen all the way but I knew our wedding coordinator, Andrea, and her team will do well into making it all successful.

       I grab a textured paper on my study table that has been stuck here for years and a black pen and go back to my vanity area where I comb my silky hair just a while back. I wish he's here to comb my hair using his hands. 

       Good Lord, I miss him already!

       Is it really necessary to be part with each other before the wedding? It's only one day but why does it seem like it takes so long?

       I breathe heavily and let my pen touch the paper where I will write my adoration of love for him.

Dear Morpheus,

This letter is for you, Morpheus. I couldn't still believe that I have someone to keep forever, locked up in my heart. My treasure chest. Starting now, I'll start to keep to myself how much I deserve and never question how did I deserve someone like you. You make me feel loved as I'd never done before.

       He leads me into the light that I've been longing for so longing that it can't happen... but thank heavens, it did. The best is yet to come for me. Can't imagine the future ahead without him.

       Tears start to build up at the corner of my eye.

You make me feel safe that I made you my home. Your love for responsibilities is one of the reasons I adore you. You're everything I could ever love in this lifetime. It's always nice weather with you. Without you is a thunderbolt storm. Golden, dazzling, spectacular, you're all that. I'm seated on my vanity desk inside my childhood room and crying while writing this. A linen silver robe that you gifted is wrapped around me while my hair is down.

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