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HE KNOWS ME and I'm pretty sure of that. But no matter how hard I try to avoid the scene that happened earlier at the Valdemar Corp. Building, I just can't. It's messing with my head!

       After Zibeon introduced me to Morpheus, I walked out immediately because I really didn't want to be in that situation, but the outcome of my departure made it seem more awkward. I just hope that they didn't conclude something because I had no other intention. I left because I just couldn't stand Zibeon's goofiness.

       In all the events I went to, Morpheus was mostly there and I always do my best to not have any interaction with him. I try my best to avoid him and I just hope he didn't notice it. But this Zibeon was able to bring us closer to each other. He was pleased with what he had seen earlier—to see us both in an awkward state.

       I know Zibeon knows about our soon engagement. Of course, he would know about it because he's a friend of Morpheus just like how Vera knows about that thing. I also know that there's a slight tension present between Morpheus and me. I can feel it.

       Though I'm a bit curious about what did Morpheus did after that awkward moment where his friend introduced me to him as if he doesn't know me. I can also imagine Vera doing that to me. Vera knew how much I loathe the thought of that engagement and how I try to get away every time Morpheus is just around.

       Vera is already with Collin at the bar and they've been there for quite some time now. I'm about to leave my unit when I receive a text from Vera.

Vera: No need for you to take all your time in dressing up because, in Morpheus' eyes, you're the most gorgeous above all.

       I just ignore her text. I don't have to make a response with anything about Morpheus. It's pressuring me.

       I make my way to the car and our home driver is already there waiting for me. I made Manong Ricardo come by to drive me because I already have plans of getting wasted tonight.

       I'm wearing a fitted dress that's hugging my voluptuous body. The color of the dress is popping with neon colors of orange, yellow, and pink. Eye-catching. That's my goal—to gather all their eyes and make them a second glance.

       My mom shaped me into a woman like her. Prim and proper at every action. When I walk, there should always be poise. Whenever I face the table, I should always keep my manner. It's always the etiquette she's been teaching us ever since. Being calm and collected in every situation is etiquette. For her, fierce is an etiquette, too. But at the end of the day, I'm still Siena. Siena who don't know her identity.

       But I don't care about how she shaped me because I can't also imagine myself being different from what I already am but I care about my own identity. The version of me that didn't exist because they didn't let me. I just wish I have someone to tell about what they did to me. I just want to make a choice of my own for once and know who I really am.

       I wander my eyes all over the place the moment I enter the bar and see Vera standing while waving and with her is Collin who's seating comfortably on the couch.

       I walk straight in their direction. Good thing because there are already drinks on our table and there's a lot of it! I don't even know why it excites me when I don't even normally drink alcohol but why should I even care now? It's my time to get wasted for the first time in my twenty-five years living here.

       "Hey, Siena!" Vera hands me a glass of liquor that I immediately drink. I'm already used to drinking bitter tea but the glass of liquor that Vera gave me hits different. I take my time to gather myself again. I can feel the flushness of my cheeks.

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