He laughed,

"Its just really weird stuffs been happening lately."

His hands were touching my cheeks gently as he smiled at me. The icy cold feeling wasn't there anymore.

Instead all I could feel were his warm hands on my cheeks.

His intense blue eyes, stairing into mine, I don't know how long we stared at each other, but our heads became dangerously close.

I quickly pulled away and stood up, it was Jake I wanted, not Rower.

Or atleast thats what I thought.

'I have to um pee." I lied.

"Please don't leave." I added.

Rower shrugged and kicked his legs over the sofa, "I won't. Promise." I grinned at me.

I quickly ran up the stairs, to the bathroom.

Locking the door, I began splashing water over my face, Lily, your gonna make Jake fall for Bella remember, so this is good, you should feel something for Rower. But I knew I shouldn't Jake, Jake was my everything. Right now he was just to arrogant to realise it. I was washing my hand when I saw it.

On my shirt, it was still moist, a red sticky liquid that was undoubtably, blood. My blood,but where? I inspected my cheek, there was no cut there, not even a tiny scratch. Thats when I remembered it, Rower had touched my cheek before I had, had a chance to, that cold, tingling feeling. Had that been the feeling of skin growing back at an incredibly fast rate?

I was finding it hard to breathe, what if these, were not dreams.

What if this was all real.

That cold, pale lady was undoubtably out to get me.

What if Rower knew something, no, what if he was something?

He wasn't cold enough to be a Vampire, but Edward, I gasped she had mentioned a group of vampires, was that Edwards cold pale face family?

Rower wasn't a vampire that I was certain, a warewolf?

That too, was impossible, warewolves, I had never heared of a warewolf with healing powers, surely he wasn't a warewolf, either.

As I stared at my pale, reflection.

I knew three things

1. There was something happening, something that wasn't normal.

2. Someone was out to get me, and I had no idea why.

3. I was completely insane, becasue none of this could be real.

Things like this Just don't Happen.

"Lily! Lily!" I heared a ringing beautiful girls voice, she sounded frantic, petrified almost.

I ran down stairs, not recogninsing the voice.

A bob of jet black hair met me at the bottom of the stairs.


"Oh Lily thank god!" She wrapped her cold arms around me.

"Alice Whats, whats wrong, and wheres Rower?"

I looked around the entire room, he was gone, he had promised he wouldn't leave.

Alice looked at me intently. "Rower was here?" she asked, her voice even higher then before.

"Yeah, Yeah he-"

"We have to leave now." Alice interrupted me pulling me from the house.

She linked her arm with mine, and smiled at me, but I could tell, something was wrong.
I just didn't know what.

The chilly air caught me by surprise, as I bowed my head against the cold, Alice leading me to her car.

Just as I was about to get in, warm arms wrapped around me, "I'll take her." Jake told Alice, a hint of Venom in his tone.

Alice raised her perfect eyebrows as I allowed myself to sink into his embrace, my Jake.

"Fine Dog, but you better do a better Job of looking after her then you just did." she snarled.

Jake looked confused, "What?"

Jake walked over to Alice, and the two of them walked out of my hearing distance. Obviously I wasn't meant to follow.

I watched as Jakes face fell, he looked so concerned and what ever Alice was saying was having a huge affect on him. They seemed to be arguing almost. I hated it when people argued, it made me uncomfortable. I looked away and at the ground, I stayed there for I don't know how long.

But Jakes arms were wrapped around me again, as he turned me into his chest, I wrapped my arms around him.

Jake, Jake knew something too, that was the only explainable answer in all of this.

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