untouchable blood

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My blood my untouchable blood,

I could't be bitten I knew that.

So If I stood in the clearing when they came, surely I could, somehow

Kill enough, so that the numbers were more even.

But what if they didn't bite me?

What if instead they choose to, capture me, killed me slowly.

Could I do anything then ?

I didnt have powers, I was just poison.

poison, I was poison

Thats when the idea hit me, like it was the most obvious thing, in the entire world,

I would leave my blood in a trail around fawks

and who ever touched it, would just die..

I didn't know how to get enough blood out

without a cut deep enough to kill me

so my options were limited.


I had asked him, to extract some of my blood.

but he had refused, saying they would be fine

it was too dangerous.

So Rosalie, she hated me right?

what would she care, if I spilt a little blood?

all I neeed now, was a way to convice the cold hearted blonde to gimme a hand.

to save not only my family but hers too.

It was win win? wasnt it?

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