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I was running for the first time in so long.

Trying to concentrate on nothing, nothing but my breathing, I wish right now I could just stop existing, or at the very least forget everything that has happened. It wasn’t supposed to be like this Jake was supposed to be the perfect one, Edward was the enemy, yet he was so nice, so kind. So everything I wish he wasn’t

Then we had worked together, Me and Edward had finished off those two Vampires, it was like in that moment we had bonded.

Not in a romantic way, but if I had to have a brother in law, I’d be glad to have Edward Blood sucker or not.

‘Jacob, I’m asking you, to kiss me, Kiss me Jacob’, and his strong arms were around her, holding her, kissing her.

Stop it! I told myself, willing away the tears I pushed myself harder to run faster. That’s when I saw him, coming towards me.

Speeding so fast, I was worried he would hit me, his expression was mad, and hurt. He swerved his green motor bike right in front of me.

“Lily.” He said his Sapphire eyes spoke the words he hadn’t somehow he knew, knew what Jake had done.

I flung myself into his strong arms, “I hate him” I sobbed into him, all the tears I had been holding back flooded down my cheeks.

“I know, I know.” He whispered rubbing my back.

I don’t know why I did it, I couldn’t help it, I looked up at him, as he looked down on me, and our lips touched, I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck as he picked me off my feet, I wrapped my legs tightly around him. As he held me tighter pulling me into him as our kiss intensified.

The kiss was amazing, beautiful, yet a small part of me, wished it was Jake I was sharing this moment with.

I went back to school as usual, I wasn’t pulling a Bella and letting the world fall on top of me because of some guy. I didn’t sulk in my room, pondering over why life was so cruel why, Jake had done that to me. I just tried to forget, and keep living. I had to cut Jake out of my life at some point, so why not start now?

Rower, sat with his legs propped on the desk as normal, chucking a screwed up paper ball in the air, not listening to a word the teacher said. Winter sat on the other side of me, scribbling down notes

I think Lewus and Caleb were the only two paying any attention.

‘Have you talked to Jake, or are you really serious about cutting him out, altogether.

Honestly I think it is for the best he choose Bella Lily, you are beautiful you deserve the best.’

What if Jake is the best? I haven’t talked to him, since the fight. I have no intentions too either.

Okay, good. Girls night? It’s Friday let’s do something?

Deffs. Come to mine after school.

“Lily, since you were listening so well why don’t you tell me what osmosis is.” The teacher called on me, my stomach dropping

“Transfer of water molecules” Rower whispered.

“It’s the transfer of water molecules through the semi permeable membrane.” I quickly said.

How did, Rower do it? Never pay attention yet be so smart.

The bell rang shortly afterwards, and we all made our way to the cafeteria. Paige, was standing outside in her usual Cheerleading uniform handing out flyers for the new Junior team try outs. “You keen, Lily I heard you were real good back at your old school.” She asked excitedly

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