7. Do you love him ?

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They stopped the discussion when my phone rang.

It's from my parents. I talk to them daily unlike Surya who hasn't called them once since we arrived here.

I answered the call and went to refresh. I should help Surya to find his love and so that this camp will be eventful.

I should talk to Anu, if she know Nishi. After all, she and Surya were classmates. But she hates love. Whatever, with that reason, I can get to know more about her too.

Again I am thinking about her in a more than friends way. I don't want to explore it more. What if they are more than infatuation?


Anu and I came to the canteen nearby for breakfast. The villagers said no restaurant can beat the taste of Sambar Vada from this canteen. So, we are here to taste and relish it. It's mostly me who is interested. I am foodie. Food is my salvation. Eating helps when I'm anxious or sad. That's how I became an ardent lover of food. But I have to do lots of jogging and exercises, not to became obese. Health and weight won't come into my mind, when I am eating. I wish I can taste all the cuisines in the world.

My monologue was disturbed by the aroma that sensitising my nostrils. Wow this looks droolworthy. 

My chesrishment was disturbed by Anu clearing her throat.


"What what? Stop the speech you are preparing about this item in your brain and start eating before it turns cold. 'Eat when it's time'. Your quote."  Anu spewed.

"OK darling." I mocked her. By the way, I have to say this, she hates the endearments like darling, baby, honey. She thinks they are cheesy and creepy. Oh God!  Save this poor unromantic soul.

She is my best friend. When she asked me to accompany her for a camp, I couldn't say no. So I bet with her but lost. Since, we are in holidays, I had to agree with her.

To my surprise, there is my crush "Arjun". I felt very happy. At least this time, I should propose his. It's a sign already. I want to utilize this time for taking another step in my relationship with Arjun. Even during our graduation, we used to hangout a lot. Daily, Arjun will call me for a stroll or other. He always gives me importance. I want this feeling through out my life. I want him to be in my life forever. I discussed this issue with Anu. She remained silent. I know she was not interested in this topic may be because of her past experience. But she said,

"You will deserve what genuinely belongs to you".

I like this kind of attitude of her. She accepts me as I am. She never judged me even when I am completely opposite to her. Her philosophy, as it is in her words,

'When we really love someone, the most important thing that we should give them was freedom,  freedom to express themselves, freedom to choose their dreams, freedom face the consequences, freedom to offer, freedom to suffer, but we should be there with like an invisible to thread of a kight to allow it to fly and at the same time support them to fly"

Oneday, we went to a local hotel during our camp. While, we are walking by, mistakenly, I admitted that I liked him. Immediately, I watched out my words and corrected that I like both Arjun and Anu. Though I want to say it was true but I cannot express because our friendship may destroy. It is the problem with the loving bestfriend, either we cannot express our love or we cannot live without them. I asked Anu to convey my love on behalf of me, but she denied and said,

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