Chapter - 37 (Past 2)

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I am dedicating this chapter to my crazy buddy, Tippi.

Anu' s POV

This day was amazing, a day I will remember my entire life. After his encounter in library, I realized, I am not the only one who suffered, he also went through so much. He promised me, that he won't hurt or left me again. Awee!! I am so happy.

But, Im not completely convinced. Because, Im afraid, to get hurt again. May be I am thinking negatively.

I spent my evening, recollecting what he had said. He was genuine about his feelings. But, I am not going to say anything about it, because I'm not in a state to judge what is good and what is worse for me. And about this love and relationships, I am not mature enough to jump into it. Of course, I believe that, any relation should modify you into your best. But, with Surya, nothing happened like that till now. So, I will wait for the right time. I will tell him about the same.

I want time to be myself first. I want to be confident enough to decide what I want for myself. Im tired of my stupid decisions and got hurt enough with the people leaving me. Next time, I don't want to let it happen like that.

The next day morning

While I am walking to school, I felt like, someone following me. I turned my heel to check who was that. Its Surya. I stared him while he increased his pace to reach me. He was changed a bit, the early stubble, was adding beauty to him, correction, handsomemess to him. His long black hair was waving in air. He was lean to his height, a feet more than me, which always intimidate me. His eyes are shining in the acknowledgement of my presence. His body scent was hinting me about his close proximity. I took a step back, averted my gaze. I doubt whether he found out that I am staring at him.

"Hii!!" he greeted.

"Hello" I replied.

After that we walked in silence. It was not as much awkward as I thought.

"Say something!!? " he blurted out.

I gave a small smile not knowing what to say.

"Hey, speak yaar, I want to know more about you. Tell me, anything, like your favorite colour or food. "

"I am not picky about anything." I answered genuinely.

"Why? "he frowned.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"How can it be possible, you will surely like something, but you might never noticed. From now onwards, I will observe you and help you to find what are your favorites." he said, as he was going to do some research.

"Will see." I challenged.

"We will see." he smiled heartily and continued , "What are your favorite habits, how you spend your free time?"

"I read books, mostly philosophy and classics, other than that I like to paint. "

"Philosophy? " he seemed to be flabbergasted.

"Ha!. What's that reaction?"

"Nothing, it can be expected from you."

We reached school by this time.

I found Surya ignoring Nandana, though I felt happy innerside, I got curious about the cause. I thought to ask Surya later.

During lunch break, I was in confusion whether he was going to ask me to join him or not. He saw me immediately, like he listened to me, and took short strides towards me. I felt nervous with his attention.

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