Chapter-29 (Past 1 Fight)

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I am dedicating this chapter to @ Divss the force behind writing this update, persistent supporter. Thank you for the love...........

Anu's POV

I went home with heavy heart. He said he haven't had saved my contact. I don't know whether to feel happy for his honesty or sad because I'm not able to accept his negligence of not having my contact number. I felt so tired so I slept.

The days were flying. We were on our previous terms. He was talking to me as usual. He was taking good care of me, trying to cheer me always. But, there was this thing that was bothering me, Nandana. He was believing her so much. He was doing things only after taking her advice. He was always giving her more priority. We are missing our own time. There was no place for our privacy. On other hand, she was creating havoc in my issues. I was not able to cope up with this. I want Surya to stand by me but, he never treated it as an issue. I was feeling uncomfortable in their company.

I started to compare the past with present. I'm never happy, but atleast in the past I was comfortable, have freedom. I never cared anyone's opinion or even comments. Now, the things were changed. I'm always being judged. I don't want to embarrass Surya so I am trying to change.

Naren was preparing for his favorite course entrance test. He wanted to go abroad for higher studies. We were trying to catchup with our daily routines. Atleast he was the only one with whom I can happily spend time, behave like a maniac but still he never vexed of me. We will do some group study during evenings. That was the only time we will be able to spend because all other times, he will be busy with different classes, couchings, on other hand, I will be with Surya and co. So, missing evening time in library with Naren was the least thing, I will do.

Day by day, my life was becoming hectic. I was always left in confusion with Surya's behavior. He shows so much love towards me a second and in another second he behaves like I'm burden to him. Such an agony I am bearing!!! I wanted to clarify things with him, but I don't know how to initiate.

In the mean time, Kittu and I became buddies. He was always there to support me. I know he was the best friend of Surya, but, he will take my side just to tease him.

Nandu, I mean Nanda Kishore, was always a mystery to me. He follows me, have an eye on me always and sometimes comes to me to make me mad and often made me laugh. He was such a selfless guy. We were no friends nor .......have any relation. He never asked anything from me except my smile. Whenever, I was with him, he first made my blood boil with his antics then laugh along with me till we roll on floor. But, anyways, I can't spend much time with him because after all he was Surya's rival, sadly.

One day, I was talking with Surya. I was so much happy because, after so many days, we were alone for each other. He was sharing things about his family, mostly about his brother, Arjun. He praises Arjun a lot, may be they had shared great bonding. He says, "My brother was my role model. He takes good care of my family, have good grades in academics, good friends and he was perfect in everything." I got bored with this because, it was my nth time listening to this. To me, no one was great, perfect as him. So, I interrupted him saying playfully, "If you are telling me this much about him, I may fall for him, since he was seemed to be better than you in all terms." His face palmed and he kept pout. I was pressing my lips, controlling the urge to laugh. Then Nandana came from nowhere and said, "You better make that choice as early as possible so that we both can live happily." I became pale now. I was not able to take her words. Then Surya started laughing along with her. Anger roused in me to the core level. I said, " Then, be in that way, I am leaving". That's it, I took my bag, I returned from there within seconds. I don't know from where this much rage came to me. How can Surya laugh? Can't he understand what her venomous tongue spoke? It's not at all a joke. He was calling me from behind trying to follow me and she was shouting, "It was just a joke, why are you making it a scene? Such a sportspoiler." Minute by minute, word by word, my anger was turning into gloom.

He came running into me and caught my wrist to stop. He lifted my chin to look at my face. My vision was blur due to the tears that started a long ago. He was astonished to my reaction. Following him, Nandana came, said, "Leave her Surya, she was one of those girls who plays the innocent card to attract attention, try to act as they cannot even understand a joke to keep you to only herself. This stunt is just to make me bad infront of you. Isn't it?"

"May be, an yes", I said as a whisper. My voice was choked due to sobbing. His grip on my hand became loose with my answer. I wanted to leave them badly. So, I started my pace, even not thinking, where I am going. I wanted to scream, that I am not like what she said. My heart was agonized with this uncontrollable pain.

Surya might think of me as a coward, who always run away from problems. But what I can do, the problems always run after me. Whenever, I started to think about him, I always imprint him as a great guy but he never proved it. His way of loving was not an understandable lesson to me. I want him to stand by me in my fight, give shoulder to cry on, listen to my unsaid words my eyes say, encourage me etc. I never wanted gifts from him nor asking me for date. I like simple things like remembering our moments.

While I was in trance, I felt someone's presence. I thought it was Surya, felt happy and turned to look at him. It was, Nandu, I felt disappointed. He gave me a smile which I was not able to reciprocate. I felt tired due to the running. He started, "You seemed to be tired, why don't we sit on the side bench, come on." Before I agree, he dragged me to there. He laughed at my face. I frowned and tried to scold him but my mouth was parched due to crying. He gave me a drink tin. Wow!! Was he reading my mind?!! Whatever, I gupled the drink in a single go. I stayed silent. He cleared his throat and said, "Don't behave like a laughing stock girl, be brave, be able to stand for yourself. Don't run from issues, face them, they scare only when we fear." I was bewildered with his mini speach. I questioned him, "What are you talking about, what do you know about and what you gain for your advice." Wahh, today I'm speaking a lot but was it happened to be only with him. He gave a bright smile, "Your face was showing everything. You expected Surya in my place, am I right?" I looked at as I'm giving up. He continued "I saw what happened between you and your fellows so I know everything. I don't gain anything except what I always wanted, your smile. So, if you want I will give an advice. Don't doubt it because I am the love master here, and you can ask my friends about my previous suggestions which were very successful." I replied, "How can I believe it will work, since I'm your enemy's girlfriend, so what if you wanted to break us by your advices." He dramatically said, "Cara mia, you wounded my heart. I'm man enough to fight with him directly. My relation with him, has nothing to do with you. And we both know each other before you both even met, am I right ?!!". A curve started on my lips, I felt content with his answer. I said, " So what you are planning, I mean what you want me to do". His face became lightened, "So you are believing me, thank you for that. Don't panic with my advice." I assured him by nictitating. "Avoid him as he never existed for you". My eyes widened with his statement. He added, "Yes, so that he can realize what he had lost". I wondered, "What if he doesn't react with this, I may loose him." He immediately said, "If he doesn't react and live without you, what is the reason for you to be with him?" I remained silent this time. He patted my shoulder, "Think about it once. I am sure the result will be positive."

Want to know what happened next.....wait for my next update. If you like the story, vote for me. Comment your opinions.

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