Chapter-36 (Past 2)

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I am dedicating this chapter to Surabhi.....

Anu's POV

I was really mad at her, for doing this to me. She was trying to say something but, I was not in a stage to understand her but annoyed with her stunt.

I picked my mobile from the bed and left the room immediately, to outside. She followed me, "Anu, please don't be angry with. I can't bear it." I replied, "Rami, I want to be alone for sometime, cannot you do this favour for me."
She tried again, "Please, listen to me once, I did it mindlessly without thinking about the consequences. Arjun begged me to do this, because you are not going to open up with him in any time soon. He wanted to unite Surya and you."

"What the hell!? Who was he to unite us and what was there to unite. Except the pain he given me and the memories that were killing from inside. I had enough of them. I don't want anymore." I haven't stopped my feet and headed towards canteen.

Rami seemed to be annoyed but I don't know why. She spoken finally, "Are you mad or what? I don't know why you are making it a big deal about those petty things. It was all over na, make it a fresh start girl. Surya cannot live without you...."

I snapped her, "HE CAN, Ms.Rami. HE CAN. And ITS NOT OVER WITH THAT AS YOU THINK AND I AM NOT A PERSON TO SULK ABOUT PETTY THINGS. You are not even having patience enough to know the complete story and you started judging me. You are insane".

Just at that time, Arjun also came. He seemed to be frightened because of my voice. Nobody know, I can be this much loud and angry. He took long strides towards me.
"Hey Anu, it's all my fault, don't scold your friend for that. Please don't raise your voice. People will come and take it as an entertainment. We can sit somewhere and discuss the things."
Though I'm really angry, his point made a sense.

We three sat on a bench on the road side. It was going to be a long night for me. Though the clock has not reached 10' o clock, people of village were already sleeping. So, the surroundings were so silent. The only noise was due to the leaves which were dancing with the windflow. This environment was somehow cooled my mind. My anger was subsided with regret for shouting at Rami. She was innocent. Whenever, she tried to do something though it results in terrible experiences but she was good at heart. I really wanted to apologize her. I turned towards her, who was already staring at me, told,
One was mine, other two are from the people sitting with me, Rami and Arjun. We three laughed together. After that, an awkward silence was spreaded.

Sensing no one was going to open their mouths, Arjun made the initiation, "I am sorry for eavesdropping at your conversation. But, I really wanted to know what happened with you, there was no any bad intention. However, I am the one, behind your bad mood, so want to make it up..."
His words were stopped by the ringing of my mobile. It was Kishu, ahh I forgot to callback him. I excused myself from them went away from them to answer the call.

We talked for a minute. He asked me, "Are you okay? You seemed to be upset. Your voice was so dull."

"It's nothing Kishu. Rami asked about the past with Surya. You can know the rest. Right now, I am with Rami and Arjun, outside sitting on a bench, trying to sort out the things with them. Will call tomorrow."
He replied,"Ok Mirus, Sleep early. Don't come to me tomorrow with bags and dark circles around your eyes. I want my beautiful Mirus to have a long journey."
I chuckled with his words and we both said our byes. I turned to my friends who were staring at me with blank faces. I wonder what happened. I asked the same.

Arjun's POV

She left to answer the call. I was wondering who called her at this time. Within minutes her mood changed from grumpy to happy. This time I really wanted to know who was the caller. I thought to ask her but how to ask, if I ask ,' with whom you are talking' Arghh that sounds rude. I have to ask her nicely.
Ha, I got an idea. "Was the call from home?"
She said, "No".
I was looking at her hopefully, to continue her answer. She scrunched her face with questioning look. Then her facial muscles relaxed as she got the hint.

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