Ch '12' Preparing for the Festival

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Keep rollin' our never ending story

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Keep rollin' our never ending story


First the students are separated by class year and then the support, business, general studies and hero course, all fight against each other in a bunch of preliminary trials. Those who make it through the games face off in the finals, its like a team type thing ending with a every man for himself type thing. That is the basics of the Sports Festival. The thing I've watched my brother play in for three years. We only get three chances one every year. This is my first chance and my only goal is to better my quirk, hopefully get noticed by someone who can help me, and to not get to badly hurt.

I know that your supposed to aim for the stars and if you don't make it at lest your on the moon or however that saying goes, but I don't really like attention or like standing out. I will try but surely not try my hardest. Most of my classmates deserve those high ranks, not a girl with a sewing quirk. 

God that got dark quickly.

I snap out of my thoughts by here loads of talking and my classmates distress? What's going on. I get up and walk over to them.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots." Bakugo walks past us heading for the door, I ignore Mineta looking shocked. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack, They want to see us with there own eyes."

Deku mumbles something that I don't quiet catch, and Bakugo stops in front of the mob of people.

"At lest now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, Extras."


I tilt my head confused as Ura, and Deku freak out and lida tries to explain why he can't call people that.

"So this is class 1-A... I heard you guys were impressive, But you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?" The purple haired stranger doesn't seem scared.

"Just him." I say calmly as Deku, Ura, Mineta, and lida freak out. 

Purple smiles at my responds, Bakugo is to busy growling like some animal to hear my responds, Luckly...

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs." He stops for a second, "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here I was forced to choose a different track. Such as life." That reminds me of my brother... He was at first sad he didn't make it into the hero course but was transferred the next year from Support. "I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance." I cut him off knowing the next bit.

"If anyone does well not in the Hero course the supposed best, They can get transferred. If they show there worth in the Festival," I had heads turn to me, I shrink a bit not used to the attention. "M-my brother had that happen to him,"

"Smart, Yes that's what happens, But they have to make room." He called me smart? error... just kidding, But no that's weird no one calls me that. "Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that, if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

My friends seem worried, Honestly I still don't want to try that hard... Maybe my big brother can give me some motivation... Bakugo and Purple have a small staring contest as someone else starts talking... actually no Shouting.

"Hey, You! I'm from Class 1-B next door to you! We heard you fought some villains, and I came to see if that was true! But you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!"

Well Bakugo gave us a bad name... not really my fault if the assume, they make an ass out of u and me... A little spelling trick I learned. Anyways, My friends seem worried, again. 

"Talk all you want! It'll just be more embarrassing when you're KO'd." Bakugo just starts to leave, "Don't you ignore me!"

"Dude where are you going?" Kirishima runs to the door asking Bakugo as he just leaves, "You got to say something, It's your fault they're all hating on us, Bakugo." 

"These people don't matter." He responds.

"Huh?" Kirishima and the rest of us are confused, Actually I think I'm starting to get it.

"The only thing that's important is that I beat them."

"Nevermind," I unknowingly start to whisper, "Thought it was gonna be motivational, should have known not from Bakugo. He's got a small point, it doesn't matter as long as you do your best, Then there threats don't work."

I lift my head and Ura and lida are smiling widely.

"D-did I say that out loud?" They nod there heads.

Suddenly my phone buzzes.

Magento: Music Note! I think I have some ideas for things you can make! I also made you a few things, My workplace was closed today. Anything interesting for you? On my way to get you now.

Couldn't have texted at a better time. The class seems to be freaking out all around me.

Me: Hey big bro, Can't wait to hear your ideas and see the things you made. The sports Festival is coming up so that's interesting. A bunch of people are crowed around our door so it might take me a second to get outside anyways.

Quick POV switch-

As Midoriya thinks about his childhood friend, and his new ones.

"I'm gonna become a pro. I'll sign with a good agency and make plenty of money. Then I'll be able to help my parents!-" Ochaco Uraraka

"-So. I want to become a pro hero. To find the villain and stop my  family's curse. I want to save my family and others while I'm at it.-" Lola Kano

"-As the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him." Tenya Iida

-POV Switch back

Magneto: Want me to come in and get you? I'm here already not any traffic.

Me: No I'll come out myself, Don't want anyone to know about my super cool inventor brother yet, ;)

Magneto: Haha very funny, Hurry or I'm eating all of the pocky I got you!

Me: Nooooooooooo

I stand up and leave doing my best to not push the people out the door. My friends seem a bit maybe Sad? about me leaving early to. I wave by with a smile to show It wasn't for any bad reason. I just need my pocky!

Authors Note: Sorry I've been dead for a while XD I've had homework issues, and apparently have ADD. Sooo homework takes me a while when my pills wear off :P Thank you all though for being so patient, ^^ I'm working on the next part the second I publish this one so maybe you'll get two really close to each other ^^ No promises though! Edit: Fixed name and picture

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