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The door slammed shut leaving Lola surprised at her fathers words to her brother. Her Father and Brother were having yet another fight. Most of the time it was a double team attack with her Mom Being quite quiet and the few words she would share during the fight were wounding. And the Father Yelling and sometimes shaking the house, He was also known for cutting people off. And of course there was also the Brother, the one being yelled at and in return would yell back, Give wounding words, And he would also be sobbing quiet loudly. 

This was a every night accurance.


The answer was simple.

A few years back a villain broke into the Kano household. The villain had a very unique mind control quirk were it could force the people under the spell to do the same thing over and over. So at 10 pm every night the two eldest in the Kano family would go to the brothers room and do there yelling and other things. The fight was the same every time, Lola's brother Ash would get mad at them for coming in the room, Mr. Kano would take it offensively, Mrs. Kano didn't really care. They would fight till 11 pm yelling about to respect when Mr. Kano found out Ash had injury's, He refused to tell them why he had them and they would continue to yell. at 1 am they would break out of the spell confused as all hell and apologize to the crying Ash. Oh, and Lola figured out that Ash was also stuck in this time lop paradox.

This is the 33 time its happened.

Once Lola heard her parents foot steps pass her door she carefully opened her door and walked down the hallway to a big dark door with the lights on inside. She did her signature knock. 

"Come in Music Note." A tired and quiet voice called from inside. Music Note is the nickname the brother gave the little girl for love of music.

She opened the door to see the brother hugging his legs on his bed. She walked over to him and sat on her knees next to his bed on the floor.

"Damn Villains. Mom and Dad always feel horrible after that... Not to mention you almost never sleep because of it." The brother said, rubbing his eyes. 

"If... If I stop villains... Will you be happy?" Lola asked her brother who looked down at her.(Because he's up on a bed not the rude way!)

"How would you stop villains?"

"I'll become a Hero! Like All Might! And I'll stop villains for you!" 

"You don't have to do that for me..." Ash told Lola, Patting her head.

"I know... But I really want to..." Ash smiled at his little sister.

"Then kick ass little sis."

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