Ch .5. All Mights Hero Training

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Next day at UA, I made sure to bring a bit more cloth with me.
We had normal classes at the beginning. Obviously I'm best at English because like I said I used to live in America. And that's al durning the day or mornings.
We eat lunch in the main cafeteria. It's pretty good but my big bro always gives me a really good American packed lunch. So I never try it. I'm also really shy so I eat outside in a tree. There I make a few little turtles, monkeys, and other little dolls to keep me company while I eat. I'm still not used to socializing. Of course Ida, Izu, and Ura, did ask me if I wanted to sit with them but I'm still a bit to shy.
Then hero basic training. I sit next to a pretty guy with half white hair and half red. He's to my left.
Everyone wows. I keep it hidden but of course if you really looked at me I didn't hide it well.
Good thing everyone's distracted by the legend in front of us so I don't have to worry... I think.
"WELCOME TO THE MOST IMPORTANT CLASS AT UA HIGH. THINK OF IT AS HEROING 101. HERE YOU WILL LEARN THE BASICS OF BEING A PRO. AND WHAT IT MEANS TO-" God I'm bored. Do I have ADHD? Probably not. I pull out my note book and start drawing ideas for little fabric minions. Like the soldiers but not soldiers cause plain soldiers are boring. I'll call them my dolls. I'm drawing ideas when I notice a card that says 'Battle' in Mr. All Mights hand. He then points to a wall and stuff happens. Basically it has are suits. I had my brother help me with my design. He has us suit up then says to go join him. So I do.

This but less revealing more covers and with a bag that goes across her shoulder that has fabric in it

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This but less revealing more covers and with a bag that goes across her shoulder that has fabric in it. And a lot of it. We all walk out. I feel kinda

Hmm I guess I'll do a small flash back for ya...

/flash back/
It was about 3 weeks ago, maybe more. My big bro was helping me decide and design my costume. We got 3 ideas and picked the one I'm wearing today. Then he drove me to the place to get it officially registered.

Izu finally comes out, I noticed he was missing a little while ago.

"Now that your ready it's time for combat training." All might says.
"Sir." Huh? Ida? "This is the fake city from out entrance exam. Does that mean we'll be" okay I'm sorry WHAT DOES THAT WORD MEANNN ima just take it as 'we doing it again?'

"Not quiet. I'm going to move you 2 steps ahead" Whoa that's like. 2 more steps then I thought it would have been. "Most of the Villan fights you see on the news take place outside, however statistically speaking, runnings with the most*bigwordmeaningscaryorbad* happen indoors. Think about it."
Nah I'm good. Sorry All mights really cool but he talks a bit to much for me! Anyways we are being splint into 2v2 good vs bad. He makes a important point when he says we be fighting REAL BOIS instead of robots so be more careful. Which I can do.
Okay he then explains how it's going to go, villains hide boom. Hero's need to stop villains. Hero's have to catch weapon or capture villains. Villains need to capture the hero's or if time runs out. Which is actually pretty cool. Also he draws randomly.
I'm on Team F.
First is Ida, Izu, Ura, and Explode boi. I head to the examiner room or whatever it's called.
Team A vs Team D... I should probably learn more about the literal rock guy in with. Not the red hair... but a guy that looks like a actually Rock.
I'm watching the battle with everyone else. This is actually really entertaining...
All might shows us the capture tape. Am I the only one that thinks it's WAY to small to do muffin knows what.
He made us do a plus ultra and I think me and the guy that sits next to me in class looked the most dead.
Izu is good. I hope he wins.

He almost killed Deku!

"He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy but he's actually quite intelligent." And Why do you sound pretty to! This class is going to make me catch feelings soon... "He changed his trajectory while in midair and the blast doubles as a smoke screen... very clever."
The other pretty girl with black hair in a ponytail says important stuff to.
Then... oh then...
Izu uses his quirk to shoot Bakugos Quirk! Ura got the boom! YAS!
Hero team won.... YAS I KNEW IT! *cough* *cough* Not that anyone knows but I was cheering for them, even though ida was also there.
"This class is intense" frog girl says
"Tell me about it..." she looks at me and I look at her. I said that outloud? Fu- I walk away.
Ida wins for personal. Which is cool. Ponytail is smart. She said why ida won which it all made sense but like DAMN HOW U KNOW THAT... I'm spending to much time with my big bro... Halp!
Next was cutie- I MEAN cool hair half red half white, and that one guy that had mutiple arms... which is pretty cool.
Oh My God! Candy cane is the best! Someone said his name is Shoto Todorki... Gawd he's great! Aaaaaa.

My team got villain. I got serious and my team mate who's name I forgot or simply don't know look shy.
"Don't worry. Everything will work out." I calm him down best I can. "If your all worked up it won't do us any good, so please stay calm" this seems to work? I don't know, I use my quirk to make soldiers I know earlier I said maybe not soldiers but I didn't come up with a design I liked so just soldiers for now. Maybe my big bro can help.
We were vs Pink girl and stomach gun guy. We won!

All Mights cool... he left style like.
I was in the class when Izu came back and watched everyone complement him... I'm not much of a person to compliment others, I just haven't done it to anyone other than family. I've never had a real friend besides my own quirk...

I watched ida get mad at birb man for sitting on the desk.
I watched Pikachu and Ura come back she completely dissed him and went to Izu. I giggled very quietly I think only Ida noticed, so I went back to drawing. I saw Bakugo, Izu, and All Might talking outside the girls spoke about it but I continued to draw.

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