Ch .1. Entrance Exam .Part.1.

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Lola's P.O.V

.U.A. Is one of the best Hero schools. If you want to be a hero... This is the school for you.

I walked up to the big building.

"Way bigger than I imagined..." I mumbled under my breath.

I check and make sure my fabric and sewing stuff are in my bag. 'Phew! I didn't forget them...'

"Maybe that's the kid who escaped the slug mon." 'Huh!?' "his names Bakugo, Right?"

"yeah hes the real deal."

I hear two boys near the front whisper about a spiky haired blonde. 'Slug monster? Darn I missed a villain attack... Maybe I can ask the spike boy who saved him... He seems angry, I'll ask him later.'

The Green guy spike boy was talking to put on a brave face and started walking again. I continued my walk to the school as well.


I look back to see a pretty girl holding him in the air. 'Probably her quirk'

"I stopped you with my quirk, I'm sorry I didn't ask first." 

Welp I've stalled to much. I then finally walk into the school.


I found a sign outside of a door. I followed the crowed so I wouldn't get lost. 'UA high hero course Exam Orientation...' I open the door and walk inside. 


Lights Turn on one by one.

"What's Up UA Candidates, Thanks for tuning in to me your school DJ." 

'He's a bit to over the top...'

"Come on and Let me hear ya!" 'As much as I would love to cheer....Anxiety a B*tch...'

Absolute silence followed.

"Keeping it melo huh, That's fine I'll skip straight to the main show, Lets talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down." I zone out. I read the website. Plus Ash went here in high school.

I was about to put my headphones in...(It helps me Make Dolls easier.)... when...

"Excuse me sir! I have a question." A guy with Blue hair stands up with his hand in the air so he can be seen by the Loud Hero.

"Hit me!"

A light goes on the Blue haired guy as he asks his question, He then shames the school... And then shames the Green haired guy from outside of the school. The Loud Hero says thanks for calling it out and explains that the 4 robot is no points... and is just an obstacle to get in your way. Blue Guy says thanks and sits down after bowing.


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