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Mark my words, They will become great heros

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Mark my words, They will become great heros.


Why am I trying to become a hero?

Because someone needs to protect my family. My Dad is hero, But he's not as known as others. My mom works at a office. And my big brother helps real heros. But one day a villian entered my family's home. With a grudge against my father. He used his quirk on are family. Because I was little my curse was the most simple. At 11pm I'm in my bed. And I. can't. move.

My brother's curse. To be in his room at 11pm and having to be yelled at by are parents and having to say exactly what the script says.

My parents curse. To argue with their son every night of his life. Following what the script says.

It's happened ever since I was 6. If you want to do the math you can. Because of that evil villian my family has never been the same. But one day, I was watching a video online. Of a new hero saving a lot of people. All Might. He was so cool, And I knew I wanted to do that. But I wanted to help my family as well. I asked my brother when I was 8 and he told me, I could choose whatever I wanted. And he said how he wish he could be a hero. To find the man that did this to our family and stop him. He would always say that. One night, a few years later. He said it with more malice than usual. I asked him if I stopped the villains... Will he be happy.  He asked me how? And I told him I would be like All Might and stop the villains. Ever since then. I've watched countless villain attacks on the news and a few in person. Trying to find a villain with the same quirk the villain that hurt my family had. All I remember about him physically. Is a glowing red eye.


About 80% Of the population, has some sort of super power, Or as we call them Quirks. Since then some people with these quirks used them for bad, And a profession rises up into everyone's mind. With so many bad people now, The world need people to protect it. We decide to call those who wished to do good, Hero's. They are the ones to put themselves in harms way to protect the innocent to stop evil. I'm glad we have them, Otherwise villains would be everywhere and no one would be safe. We need heroes. All Might is one of the greatest heroes in all time. Saving the world with a smile on his face. I want to be like him, But not replace him. I simply want to help the world and save my family. 


I am Lola Kano. And right now, I'm trying to better my quirk. My quirk in the past has never been able to last all that long. But with the help of my amazing big brother! It's been lasting way longer! I've been lucky enough to have great friends this whole time. I've never really been the type to walk up to others and start a conversation. As a kid, By peers where scared of me and my quirk. Making horror movie dolls actually move was pretty scary for younger kids. I also was traumatized as a kid with a real villain breaking into my own home and causing all sorts of bad things to happen to my family. All of these made me decide to be less approachable and act tough. I mostly wanted to be alone so I could work hard on become a hero and saving my family. But of course I accidently found multiple people in my class that I would literally die for... Except Mineta. I would Kill him if it wasn't considered villain like.

Most people develop their quirks around 3-4 I believe. Mine came at 2. My parents were worried about the bullying and moved me to a different school. There I pretended to be quirkless so they would leave me alone. I grew tough, and people no longer bother me. I found it was very helpful to do this and continued doing it til all my life. In middle school a teacher accidently let it slip I have a powerful quirk and all my classmates where mad I hid it. I didn't lose any friends since I never had any in the first place. My big brother, parents, and my own quirk were my friends. I didn't need anyone else.

Even with a scary quirk, I wanted to be a hero and save my family.

I'm quiet observant, And my big brother was very tech like. He loved inventing things. So at age 6, When the villain attacked. My big brother wanted to create a device that made it so I couldn't hear the fights anymore. He failed and I told him nothing happened. Instead I could hear longer distances but I didn't want to say anything. I started being able to hear what the fights were about. My brother continued to use me as his guinea pig therefore I have a lot of abilities from him. I can hear better than the average person, as well as jump a bit higher, run a bit faster, and notice things a lot of others don't.

All heros have there own story of how they became what they became. My Dad used to say that all heros have one thing in common. There bodies moved without them even thinking. My dad had that moment. And so have I.


Heard a ding dong at the door. I just came back from school so I decide I could be my mom coming home from her office job.

"One sec music note." I put are toys down and answered the door.

"Is this the house of Treealta?" The man looked weird and I don't trust him. Not off his looks. But people don't just come over to our house and ask about our father. Most don't know where he lives.

"Who's asking?"

"Your worst nightmare." He grabbed me by the throat and picked me off the ground. He walked inside a bit and closed are door. "Any last words?"

"Y-yeah.... Your line when you entered..... Sounded like sh*t" He tightened his grip.

"Magneto Who was at the....... Door."

"Music Note! Run!" My little sister stood at the end of the hallway, scared of the man. Frozen.

"Hey little brat. You wait there. I'll get you after I finish this punk."

"Just run little sis! Get Mom and Dad!" She just stood there for a bit. I started to close my eyes... I need air. I need air.....air


The boy started to close his eyes as my hand stayed on his neck. I heard the girl mumble something.

"What's that kid?"

"You bastard." Now I'm mad

"What did you just say?" 

She made a tiny soldier and a sword out of fabric that flew in from a different room. The soldier ran out back down the hall and she held up the sword.

"YOU BASTARD!" she then charged at me.


I was sitting outside of my wife's work, When she came out we were going to get Burger King or something for the kids when I noticed one of my daughter's little soldiers run to us. It started to try and drag my wife in the direction it came from. We followed it home.

Are son was against the wall and a man was standing in the doorway, I saw my daughter stabbing him repeatedly with a baby excalibur. He kept dogging yawning fakely then picked her up.

"LOLA!" I yelled. The man turned around and the second he made eye contact with my wife she used her quirk making him collapse onto the floor. Because she was so worried I know it won't last long. I grabbed lola and headed further into the house. My wife grabbed are son, and called the authorities.

He got up and saw us all together. My daughter looked back at him and my son was just waking up. The clock showed 11pm and his eyes glowed red. Then he vanished. And the rest seemed as though I was watching it through my own eyes. In no control over my body.

My daughter says when she ran at him. She had no control over her own body. All she thought or cared about was protect her big brother.


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