Ch .3. UA Acceptance Letter

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Around 1 week later... 10pm at night.....


I think I stopped counting how many times this has happened... I get out of my relaxing bed and walk over to my desk at the other side of my small room. I sit at the desk and open up my laptop waiting at the desk. I put my headphones on and plug them into the computer. I pull up YouTube and watch until 1 am.


I close my laptop and listen to my parents walk by the door.

I get up and open my the very same door, and head down the hall to my brothers room. I walk in and he's crying.... like every time. I stopped knocking the door after the 150th time. I walk up to him and sit beside him on his bed.

"I'm getting tired of this..." My brother says.

"Me to..." I tell him.

"Do you think it will every stop?"

"One day. When I fight villain's and one of them slips up and says something about are parents and a villain... that's when I'll find out who they are and kill that villain... If there dead there quirks effects on you, mom, and dad... will be forced to stop." I wrap one of my arms around him, and he leans on my shoulder.

"What if I'm not in my room... what would happen then?"

"We've tried before Ash. You teleport to your room." We both stay silent for a while before brother speaks up.

"Music note... I want to help you become a hero." He says looking up at me with a smile.




"I was talking to mom and dad... Even though Mom's busy with her office job, and Dads still busy as a not as well known hero... Mom and Dad told me something about your quirk they didn't tell you because they knew how much you don't like it..." I looked at him on my shoulder. Surprised he never told me.

"What's that, Magneto?"

He chuckled at the nickname. 

"You can turn yourself into a Voodoo doll to save yourself from pain impacts."

'Wait! WHAT?!?!?!' I'm freaking out man!

"That's really cool..." 'I can't let him know I'm internally flipping out-'

"Are you mentally freaking out?"


He face palmed.

"Your results from UA should be coming soon so prepare." He smiled at me before continuing. "Now go get some sleep Music note."

He got off of my shoulder. His tears now gone only leaving streaks of where they used to be. I get up and kiss my brothers forehead before leaving his room. I quietly close his door before heading to my room to also get some rest.


'It's a few days later.....'

"MUSIC NOTE~!" Ash yells from the front door, singing my nickname.

"Coming Magneto!" I call back to him. I put my phone down and run to the front door. 'Is it the acceptance letter from UA???'

When I'm at the door I see Ash standing holding a letter white letter.

"Go ahead and open it sweetie." Mom says from the kitchen. Dads at doing hero work already and Mom has to leave for her Office job soon. I grab the letter from Ash's hands and look at it. Its a white letter but the stamp holding it shut has the UA Logo. I look at it with Joy in my eyes. Ash also looks happy. I grab Ash's hand and run to my room.

"Huh?" He asks.

"Do you remember when you got your letter?" I ask him. That day no one way home but me and him. It was maybe the 10th time the fight happen then night before so that day would have been the 11th fight with him, mom, and dad. "You had me with you to see your test results!"

"Oh yeah, So you want me here for yours?" We sit on my bed.

"I want us to do the very same but backwards." I say, I then hand him my letter. "You had me open your letter so you can open mine."

"Hehe, Okay Music Note." He opens it and a Gray circle come out of it. "Was mine like this two-"

He was cut off by it turning on and All might yelling.

"BooYAH I'm Am Here, As a projection Now!"

"Yours was also a projection." I tell my brother. "But I don't think All Might talked to you~!" 

He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Now! You passed the written test Well! And you got 36 Points fighting the robots." 

I knew I didn't get that many... But I still thought i would be more than that...

"I don't think I made it with that low of a score..." I told Ash. He looked at me sadly.

"You probably had enough! I only had 50 remember!"

"But! There WHERE Other Factors! Take a look at this clip." He had us look at Round Face girl.

"Who's that?" Ash asked. Only to be shushed by me.

She complemented greenie and myself. She said something about him getting no points and added at the end how she thinks I deserved some to for getting her out of the rock ruble and helping her make it so broccoli didn't get hurt. 

My brother put his arm around me.

"You had a lot of points... But still needed more... You also helped two people when you could have simply left to get more points..." All might said. "You see the practical exam wasn't on combat alone!"

He showed the end of the clip. Round face was denied. 'So I won't get in after all...'

"Still. The other Factor was another type of points! We have something called Rescue points!"

Me and Ash's faces lot up. 

"So you got way more points that way for helping them!" I was almost about to cry of joy.

"Lola Kano! You got 50 Rescue points!"

"WHAT!" I yelped.

"And Izuku Midoriya 65 rescue points! Also Ochaco Uraraka 50 Rescue points! You three, passed the exams..."

Now my tears were running down my face. And for the first time in a long one... They were happy tears.

"Congrats Music Note!" My brother tackle hugged me and the projection left.

I have a chance to become a hero and Help my family

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