Ch .2. Entrance Exam .Part.2.

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My headphone's were in. I paused the music though so I could hear when to start. I see Green Hair and The girl who helped him are here. Also I think that's Blue hair talking to greenie and making him uncomfortable. 

"What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?" I cant help overhearing. 'Sonic that was un-called for! All you had to say was, Hey shes trying to focus so don't go over there, and Walk away! Not make him feel horrible for Living!'

Broccoli starts freaking out and said words only he can catch. Everyone starts Judging him. Probably thinking he wont last or wont make it. I then walk over to Hedgehog.

"Maybe you should learn a nicer way to put. In a way Your a hypocrite. Were starting soon and you may have just ruined his chance's as well." I told him. Hands on my hips in not a sassy way but a logical one. Before Hedgehog could defend himself The school's DJ spoke to us.

"Right Let's Start!" He yelled to us. "Get moving, There are no count downs in real battles-"

I didn't bother listening to the rest and ran off with more than half of the people that were there. 'Now I can turn on my music...'

While running in I saw that are arena was a fake city. I was stuck near the middle of the crowed. My bag's lid was closed by not zipped so I could easily use my quirk. The crowed thin'd as people turned corners or left the big crowed. I turned right leaving the crowed and saw a 2 pointer in front of me. I then used my quirk. Three square fabrics came out of my bag just as the 2 pointer noticed me. I then put the fabrics close together and with a bright light I made Excalibur out of the fabric. 'Other's may not know this, but this sword, isn't soft.' I ran at the 2 pointer as it ran at me. I attacked it with the sword. This went on for a bit. I mostly used the Excalibur instead of making more things with my quirk.


Eventually I could barely find anymore robots. But I found the crowed again... Yay... I took out my headphones after stopping my music. The wind sound nice and I turned Mr. Excalibur into fabric and put him in my bag. Then we all heard a loud thud. Like Godzilla walking. Smoke filled out and made my sight even worse. A huge shadow cased over us all. I looked up and saw a giant robot holding two buildings over us.

'Wait.... is th-that.... THE ZERO POINTER!?!?!'

The Zero Pointer threw one of his fists to the floor, making more wind and dust fly everywhere. people started running away from the robot. But I ducked out of the robots sight. But I still stayed. I wanted to see what the robot would do.

I saw Greenie sitting on the floor staring wide eyed at the robot. Hedgehog was running and saw greenie, but he kept going. I stay'd watching. Greenie can't always rely on someone else. If he really needs my help.... then I'll give it. I saw greenie try crawling away.

"Two minute's remaining." Thanks DJ.

I stay'd and tuned out all the screaming. It was starting to give me anxiety. I saw broccoli looking at something behind him. I followed his eyes and saw the nice girl that had helped him before. She was stuck! I saw the robot draw nearer. I saw the boy run at the robot. 'If that scared little boy can do that... I can help.'

The boy jumped up really high. I then... Took a Risk. I ran forward from the ally way I was hiding in. As I was running I used my quirk. Multiple fabric's and cloth's of many came out of my bag and combined. I made many little soldier's and I ran over to the little girl. I crouched down in front of her. I controlled the soldier's and made them pick up the giant rock on the rounded face girl. That's when she finally looked at me. She was so focused on broccoli she didn't see me coming earlier. When the rock was off her enough, I pulled her out. I helped her stand and carried her in a cradle position. I carefully and swiftly brought her to my ally way. When I put her down she just watched Broccoli. I then noticed why she was watching him.

He took out the zero pointer... with one punch. Everyone's jaws were dropped. I was surprised but not jaw dropped.

"Just one minute left." 

I was busy watching broccoli falling when round face spoke to me.

"Miss. I wanted to thank you. But I may need your help again." She said to me.

"Sure." I replied to her. She then told me her plan. me and her ran to where he was falling. I then used my quirk... or better off, the soldier's. I hadn't put them away so they were still around. I should soon or they will stop listening to me. I had the soldiers under Round face and carried her high. Then I made the soldier's go on me so she was higher. When her friend was close enough. she smacked him in the face and held him in the air. She then released him and he softly hit the floor. She was worn out and fell off of my soldier's. So I carried her again, and turned my soldier's back to fabric and into my bag.

But I had to quickly move her because she started puking. I patted her back nicely as she tried to control her breathing.

"Time's up!" Thanks again DJ

A siren played out after his words. It soon stopped and everyone said kinda mean things about him. 'If only they knew he risked everything for Round face... I need to find out these peoples real names...'

"Very nice good work all around. You all hero's in my eye's. Every one of you. Here reward yourself's, have some gummy's. Just don't eat them all at once." 'Recovery girl!'

She saw Broccoli and.... kissed his head? He then healed. 

"That's unique." I told round face. I then left. Not ever knowing anyone's name.

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