Ch .4. quirk assessment test

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Real quick, Just wanted to say... So sorry for the long wait! But I really do love the support and reading your comments makes me happy! Anyways, Stay safe and onto the chapter!

"Music Note~!" Huh? I know my own nickname from anywhere... "Hey! Hey! Get up!"
"Yeah, it's time! Your first day at UA!"
"Just a few more min- WAIT WHAT!"

Just like that I jump up my bed, I then get ready for my day, not before shoving my brother out the door first. I take a quick shower and then put on the schools uniform, then out the front door

"Music Note! Wait one sec!" My brother runs to me with a packed lunch and a muffin. "Quick muffin for breakfast, and the sacs your lunch. Have a great first day"
I tear up a small bit. This school would be my family's savior
"I'll tell you all about it when I get back Magneto,"
And like that I'm finally off to UA!
I walk down the hallway, on my way to school I noticed a note in my bag from my parents and brother, It kinda killed my mood a little bit...
Dear Music note,
Yo yo, Mom, Dad, and I decide that for your safety that you can't try out the extent of your power yet, it's to dangerous and I didn't even tell you have of it... so just pretend it doesn't exist. Have a good first day!

He should have signed it 'kill joy'

Ah Class 1-A finally. I see broccoli standing at the door looking in, there's that one blond guy that supposedly got into a Villan attack and SONIC! The one I reprimanded!
That's when they notice broccoli, I'm kinda just awkwardly standing behind him cause he's in the way...
"Excuse me..." I say, he moves a bit and I head in taking a seat, (I'll mention which one later)
As I was walking to my seat broccoli says 'hello' in a kinda weird way...
New info...
Sonic- Tenya Ida
Broccoli- Izuku Midoriya

For my own entertainment purposes I just keep watching the two, soon the cute brown hair girl joins them.

Hmmm, the kid who supposedly got attack by a Villan is looking weirdly at Broccoli...

"If your just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now"
Good thing the only friends I got are my own creations, and the second they stop liking me I just turn them back into fabric..... God I'm lonely.

There a guy in a sleeping bag outside... I wish I had a portable bed.

He keeps talking but I can't hear him that well sense he's Outside the room,

Oh teacher? Nice! He reminds me of when my older bro doesn't get his coffee. He tells us to put on sum sort of outside uniform thingy and to... we'll go outside. Nice! Being out in the sun or any light helps me use my quirk well, I mean I can do it in the dark, just it takes longer and if it's to dark I could make it wrong or stitch wrong making it not work... anyways,
Basically everyone in unison says 'What a quirk assessment test?' I don't say it knowing I would be in prefect unison.

Hmm a quirk test, nice! Oh the cute girl said something about orinta- orinte- I don't know and I'm not even going to pretend I do. I just wanna start making stuff with my quirk! The way I feel right now is, imagine your favorite hobby and then your teachers like 'we are doing that today and comfortably' wouldn't you be excited or happy? That's how I feel.
Are teacher goes on and I don't really pay attention.
The teach has that one kid who sup- you know what, Explode boi, Teach has explode boi do the ball throw thing but with his quirk. Andddddd he screams Die.... WHO? We see it come back down. 705.2, Nice.
Some people start to react. Wait did someone say 'looks like fun?' Oh God We all DEAD.
"-using are quirks as much as we want!" We all DEAD
"So this looks fun? Huh..."
We all DEAD
"You have three years here to become a hero, you think it's all going to be games and fun time." We deadddd
Okay sorry I thought I was being funny and quirky... get it? I changed in the few days between getting my letter and today. Well I mean- I don't actually talk to people like this, this is all my inner thoughts, reality I'm a shy cold muffin.
Last will be gone? Okay nice- WHAT! I need to stop realizing so late... we'll hopefully I'll be fine... I mean, that one weird kind with the grape head looks kinda sh*tty so I should be fine.
It's a big year but I think I'll be fine. Cutie speaks up about fairness. I already know that this teacher will come back with a life isn't fair- oh hey he actually is while I'm thinking... nice.

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