Ch .6. USJ Part 1

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There are a ton of reporters outside the front. I use my quirk and make myself a hood out of the fabric I keep in my bag, and sneak around them, they still try asking what's it like being in allmights class. To not seem to rude I sign to then in ASL (American Sign Language) that I don't know what there saying and I have to go, the fact that they can't understand me is enough for them to Finally let me go. And I turn the hood back to fabric and into my bag.
"Stupid reporters..." I mumble.
Aizawa is talking about how we did yesterday. I made myself as normal as I could during the exam no Bakugo vs Izu for me or anything to flashy, but we did win in the end, Mina tried to talk to me after but as always I pushed away. Basically what I'm saying is Aizawa shouldn't have anything special to say about me. Bakugou and Izu of course did have a bit of a talk.
"Let's get down to business." I interrupt him with my own thoughts 'too defeat the huns, Did they send me daughters' I hear a small giggle at my humming performance. Shoot I thought I was quiet enough. Without moving my head I scan the room to see who it was but I can't tell. They want us to pick a class rep? Hmm... I don't want to do it myself, to socially awkward.
I ended up voting for Izu, (in Cannon he got 3 so plus Lola he has 4)
Yay he won... I'm very happy now. I can see Ura whistling it's obvious now she voted for Izu. I poke her shoulder because she is the person to my right,
"I know what you did Ura" I whisper, she freaks out a little,
"W-what? What do you mean"
"I know cause I did it to chill," I whisper, we share a giggle, I can feel bad for Ida, He would have been my third vote.
Lunch time, I was going to sit outside again but Ura dragged me with them saying 'no no no, your sitting with us Lola' like it's nice and all but I feel so awkward. I'm just staring at my food trying to calm down my anxiety. I'm sitting next to Izu, across from Ida.
"Guys I'm kinda worried about the class rep thing I don't think I'm qualified." Izu is also staring at his food.
"Sure you are," "you'll be great" I just Mhm.
"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will make you a worthy leader." Ida continues "not to mention the strength you've demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you at least."

"You were one of the 4?" Izu is surprised. I'm not.
"Didn't you want to be rep really badly" Uras statement is to Ida, "You even look the part because of the glasses."

Ida mentions his family and Izu and Ura ask about it, I don't because I respect his boundaries.
"I've been wondering something about you, admit it ida... your filthy rich." Ura sparkles
"And I thought I was straight forward" me of course
"I was afraid people would treat me different because if my family." Ida says. Izu and Ura stare.
Ida sighs and explains his family to us.
Ida smiles at the end and Ura tells him to smile more.
"Yeah... you have a nice smile ida." I was kinda quiet and not look his way. But I hear them all kinda gasp I guess.
"That's the first time you've complimented someone Lola!" Ura seemed happy, I blush from embarrassment.
"H-hey don't turn this on me we were talking about how cool- I mean! We were talking about Ida." I cover my face like how I've seen Izu do it before. I'm not usually like this but these people are making me warm up to them. Izu is about to speak about the practical exam when and alarm sounds. I shake a bit.
"Warning: level 3 security breach, all students please evacuate the building in a orderly fashion." Everyone freaks out and Ida was able to find that it means someone got in from outside who wasn't supposed to.

Everyone rushed to the hallway there was a lot of screaming. Before Ida ran off with Ura and Izu, I spoke to him.
"Ida!" He looked at me. "I-I can't do well in that crowded or areas, I'm going to wait out the crowd and then go join you! Let Izu and Ura know if they ask about me... not that they would." I mumble the last part. If Ida heard he doesn't show but nods his head at the first half. I stay in the cafeteria near the door but not in the pact for fear of enclosed spaces...
/Also! Lola doesn't know this but when idas going to Ura he thinks 'what would midoria do or my brother' for fun ima also ad 'or even Lola' to show there good friendship :)/

I hear and see idas speech from the end of the other side of the hall.

Izu hands his role over to ida. When he says it i'm the first to cheer, then The other rock guy talks. 'Emergency exit Ida' kinda cute. Aaaa fu-
"Today's training will be a little bit different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

That's a lot... hmm... it's something big we are doing then. Darn, I still haven't been able to convince my brother to let me use the turning me into a puppet so I don't have anything to cool or new! Darn...

Aizawa shows a rescue card... alright, I think I'm might be good at this, I have tiny or if I want big helpers I so can! We can wear costumes if we want... hmm. I think I will. Most people will so if I don't others may talk to me when I really don't want that. Not to mention my brother and I thought it up together making it more special.

Ida tries to go all fancy... only for it to fail because the bus was different than expected. I'm seated next to Izu yet again.

"If we are pointing out the obvious then there's something I wanna say," Tsu the frog girl says. I lean against the glass for comfort and it works. "About you actually" she turns to Izu.

He of course gets all spooked. She says that Izu a power is like all mights. Then they talk about quirks, I put in my headphones not caring to much.

No ones POV
"If anyone has pro hero quirks it's Bakugou and Todoroki... maybe Lola to, I think hers is a bit more unique than pro though." This makes the class look over to her for a retort only to find her asleep on Izus shoulder. She didn't choose it it just happened, with headphones in she can't hear them and Izu is too embarrassed to move. The class giggles a bit but isn't to rude
Though let's just say a few specific hero's are not at all pleased with Izu being the one she leans on. After all, Izu only likes her as a friend. /HAHA take that readers! You have your first cute moment with a guy and it's one of the only ones I know for 100 I'm not shipping Lola with! HAHA/

Lolas POV
I wake up to my music still playing but being pushed a bit. I open my eyes to see Todoroki. I turn off my music and take out my headphones.
"We're here." He says. I get up,
"Thanks Shoto!" I smile and leave. Wait... did I just call him by his first name? FU-

I only did that with Izu because I forgot it was his first name! Ack! Wow! The other teacher looks cool! I can't tell there gender so I'm going to say they because SUPPORT!

We head inside to see many different landscapes. So cool!

The space hero informs us about there quirk. And how are powers can be dangerous, and to use them to save people lives. Something I would love to do. We cheer when they finish there speech, it was good!

Wait. My observer eyes.
"What's that?" I ask, Aizawa notices,

"Stay together and don't move, 13 protect the students" says Aizawa

That's when kiri and the rest notice what I did... there's a giant purple and black void with a mad covered in hands coming out. Soon Many other villains join. To many for Aizawa!

"Wait has the training started already i thought we were rescuing people." Kiri is confused.

"Kiri those are real." I whisper to him, he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Stay back!" Aizawa yells at us. "Those are real villains."

And like that... today's ruined.

/I forget if I asked this last chapter, But I would love it if you would comment maybe some characters y'all ship Lola with, Then I'll make a chapter with maybe 5 choices and then I will decide based on your votes :)/

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