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"No way! There's a rumor like that?" Em laughed out loud.

"Uhuh. Even I was skeptical when I heard about that one." I laughed.

Emma and I were currently lazing around in Armin's living room and talking about all the rumors we had heard so far about the pack.

"So what's the craziest rumor you've heard so far?" I asked.

"That? It's the one about my dad being a demon cast from the 'devil realm' into this world and mating with 'Callisto' to give birth to a blood-crazed child and a psychotic princess." She said making me gape at her.

"Cast from the devil realm?? Married Callisto?! As in the Callisto from Greek mythology?!" I exclaimed, "And what crazy and psychotic children? There are so many things wrong with this rumor! On so many levels!"

"I know right?" She chuckled, "makes me wonder about their sense of creativity. God knows what's wrong with them up there." She shook her head.

"A few loose screws no doubt." I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"More importantly, you know about Greek mythologies?" She grinned and I nodded.

"Uhuh. I find it fascinating." I smiled. That, and I was Greek from my mother's side so...

She let out a small cry in excitement making me chuckle.

"Thank god! I can finally talk about this with someone who won't get bored to sleep!"

"Seriously? Sleep?" I laughed.

"The boys." She simply huffed making me laugh again.

"So, who's your favorite?" She asked.

"That will be Apollo." I smirked, "obviously."

"Lacks originality but not bad. Music and beauty huh? He's one of the complex ones." She nodded, "never thought of you as an Apollo girl." She added making me shrug.

"I think he's cool. Poetry, archery, and medicine not to mention him being the guardian of the hunt. Plus he's the healer and he's hot." I grinned.

"I feel like that last part is the main point." She rolled her eyes.

I laughed, "what about you?" I asked.

"Ares! Definitely." She smirked.

"Upon all the gods of Olympus, you picked him?!" I gaped, "Why?!"

"Why not? I think he's awesome!" She smirked again.

"Ares? God of war? The epitome of brutal battle and animalistic instincts?" I deadpanned.


"There are so many things wrong with that." I shook my head.

"Oh? Like what?" She rolled her eyes.

"He had an affair with Aphrodite who might I add is married. He's known as the god of murder and is hated by all. Even his parents!"

"He gave birth to Eros and Harmonia." She shrugged, "they're okay."

"The god of destruction and bloodlust gave birth to the god of Love and Harmony? Ironic, don't you think?" I rolled my eyes.

"Eh, I still think he's awesome." she grinned, "I mean, god of war? How cool is that!?"

"I'm starting to think you have a kink for blood, death, and destruction." I rolled my eyes at her.

"What would you like to know." She smirked.

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