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"This...is very creepy." Emma shuddered as she stared at her clone.

"Right? It looks so much like me I'm starting to doubt whether I'm even the real me." Duke said as he walked in circles around his clone.

"I'm a clone." His clone rolled his eyes.

"Aha! That there is the exact expression I would have if I said that." He pointed at his clone's face in awe.

"If you guys are done admiring yourselves, let's get a move on. The ball started five minutes ago. And Majesty is set to arrive ten minutes into the ball." Armin rolled his eyes.

"I don't mind being late but well, it'll reflect on our pack." I added.

"What about our attendant?" Emma asked.

"She came but went back after a while. Dunno what for." I shrugged, "but she should be back soon."

"Ugh. Why did my clone get to dress in that pretty gown while I'm stuck wearing skintight and a tube tank-top?" She groaned.

"You want to rescue them in a gown?" Duke raised a brow.

"I want to make a good impression okay? Who knows? Dominick might be my mate." She said jokingly.

"Do you believe Robin will chew you out if he heard you say that?" I raised a brow.

"If." She grinned, "but I like your dress though. I'm taking it for myself when we get back." She said.

"Knock yourself out. I have one too many dresses to last me a lifetime." I waved as I stared down at my dress.

It was a frost pink gown with billowing sleeves that tightened at the wrist. Like most of my gowns, it fit snugly from the chest to the waist areas before fanning out. My favorite feature of it was the meshy-flowering design covering the chest and a bit of the waist area along with the turtleneck. The material was silky and comfortable too.

"I love this your 'mere mortal that hasn't seen enough of the world' attitude. So generous." She laughed.

"It will look even better with your dusk shaded hair." Armin grumbled and I smiled.

"You miss it?" I said.

"Hell yeah." He settle his chin on my shoulder blade and stared at me.

"By tomorrow, you'll see it again." I chuckled as I patted his head that was slicked back.

"Mm." He reached his hand to his hair but I swatted it away, "come on."

"No. I spent thirty minutes making it look like that. Do not ruin it." I warned.

"But it's ruining my leisurely and charismatic bad boy vibe. I look like an old stuck up Royal." He said.

"I always do my Dad's hair like that. Are you saying he's a stuck up Royal?" I narrowed my eyes making his eyes widen.

"That's not what I mean! It's a very wonderful hairstyle actually. Makes you look more poised, elegant and matured." He clumsily explained.

"That was a joke." I laughed along with Duke and Emma.

"An expensive joke. Seriously." He muttered.

"You look hot. In a bossy boss kinda way." I grinned.

"Then maybe we should try this look later o—"

"Do you want me to strangle you?!" I glowered as I covered his mouth. His muffled laugh came from behind my hand before he winked at me.

"Sividus is coming with us right?" Emma asked.

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