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"Mom..." Mikhail broke me out of my daze. I looked down to see him standing in between my legs with a frown while holding onto his little toy train.

"Hey, Mik." I smiled at him.

"Dad?" He looked around.

"He went to work baby. He'll be back soon." I said as I picked him up. He still frowned before shaking his little head.

I inwardly sighed as I walked out of the manor and sat on the front porch. When I woke up in the morning, Armin wasn't in the house. I didn't know when he left but what I did know was that he didn't come to bed last night. That and the fact that he was indirectly pushing me away.

I won't lie. It both hurt and annoyed me. I told him that he didn't need to hide away from me. But then when I recalled his lonely figure from yesterday night, all my irritation vanished and got replaced with worry.

I sat there for who knew how long before footsteps snapped me out of my reverie. The scent that followed after wasn't the one I was waiting for so I didn't look up.

"Micah? Why are you outside?" Alec asked while taking a seat beside me.

"Fresh air," I mumbled as I played with Mikhail's hair.

"Where's Armin?"

"I dunno. You?"

"Me too." He sighed.

I had a good idea where he might be though. But I wanted him to come to me. And when I remembered my promise to not press him, I decided against going to the wooden cabin.

We sat in silence and I occasionally felt his gaze on me. When I looked over at him, he averted his gaze quickly making me smile.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No..." he awkwardly trailed making me smile again.

"You know Alec, I have a cousin who has the same name as you." I laughed lowly.

"Oh? What's he like?" He curiously asked.

"Well for one, he always slept in the same room as me whenever they came to our...house. Although we were just pups at that time."

"You have a good relationship?"

"Yeah. They stopped coming over when I turned fifteen though. He had to start training for his position."

"He's an Alpha right now?"

"Not really. Something else entirely." I shook my head, "wanna know a secret?" I leaned towards him.

"What?" He leaned towards me curiously.

"Alec is actually a...vampire," I whispered.

His eyes widened in surprise and he stared at me for a while before saying, "Seriously?"

"Yep. His Mom is my Dad's younger sister." I nodded.

"Wow. So you have vampire blood in you?" He asked in surprise.

"I have the parasite or the gene or whatever you want to call it in my blood." I chuckled.

"That means one of your kids might be a vampire?" He said with mixed emotions.

"I doubt that. Your Alpha is quite dominant." I chuckled. That and I had Alpha king blood so it was not probable.

His expression stiffened as he stared at me with a complicated expression, "you love him?"

"So damn much."

"Even if he might've massacred hundreds of his pack members?" He growled lowly. I stared at him in shock and watched as his eyes widened in shock as well, seeing to realize his slip.

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